Monday, July 11, 2016

A look at the 2nd-to-last Manhattanhenge of 2016

EVG reader 8E took this shot tonight on East 14th Street...

There will be a half-sun Manhattanhenge tomorrow evening... then that's it until 2017.


Here's a another shot via ‏@WonderlandNYC ...


  1. Eee-Yow! Love it.

  2. Overrated. Especially the lengths and the risks these people go to. To get that perfect shot.

    Wasn't the inspiration for this craze from an album cover by a band called Fucked Up?

  3. If you stare at that second picture too long you will see spots for the next hour.

  4. This day, which has now a name, has always been like that. People back didn't pay attention to it. It was just another sunset. I don't think you could find in archives of a shot of this back when we only had access to Polaroids and before. It was only when it was named and the advent of smartphones that sheeples have been taking pictures of it, all to garner likes in their social media accounts.

  5. wonderland NYC..nice shot!!!love it.
    East Village Corner

  6. Dang, I must have missed it.

  7. The scene at 42nd and 2nd last night at 8pm was like something out of a movie. All types of people (hundreds of them) blocking the intersection, standing on any available surface, and with every type of camera imaginable from phones to giant video rigs on tripods. When the light changed, dozens of vehicles honking their horns at once for these idiots to move out of the way. As I passed by this surreal scene the thought occurred, these lemmings can't all be tourists. Real New Yorkers have (or, at least, used to have) places to go and people to see. I.e., they were too cool for frivolous, time-wasting, non-events like this.

    Or is this really where it's at today, and I am just jaded???

  8. Jaded, and goddamn proud of it.


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