[Photo by Sparber]
Uh, sorry... not the Alamo ... workers today put in a Citi Bike docking station on the under-renovation Cooper Square-Astor Place...

[Photo by Vinny & O]

I believe they just relocated this one from in front of Kmart... (and wasn't there one in front of Cooper Union a few years back?)
Updated 7:55 p.m.
Citi Bike says that this is a temporary relocation... due to the construction outside the uptown 6 stop...
Dadbum yuppie newcomers -- why can't they drive good old American land-yachts like we did in the good old bad old days?
Now we won't be able to walk there either..the narrowest part of the plaza and the bikes will be all over it. It's already hazardous at certain hours to walk on the west side of the street between 4th and St Mark's with bicyclists and skateboarders on the sidewalk.
Oh, that's right, I'm not a millinial, so I should just stay home.
I was going to write that this was good news, and I hoped they weren't going to remove the one from in front of K-Mart, but then I re-read the article and saw that they are, so this is just average news.
Cue the whiners to complain about bike sharing...
Temporary my gentrified a*#. In due time, they'll make an announcement on how this spot has been a positive contribution to the and well-received by the neighborhood that they'll make it permanent. F*ck CitiBikes and their target riders.
Anonymous 9:30 -- Citibike's target riders are people who ride bikes -- there's no escaping that. You would have been one of those people who shouted "Get a horse!" at one of those upstarts in their horseless carriages.
Perfectly stupid. NYC traffic laws say you cannot ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. So where do they put the Citibike Docking station? Of course, you guessed it first try, On the Sidewalk!!!!!
What idiot came up with this plan?
12:17 AM: Have you been there yet? There's about a 20-foot width of walking space left.
Target riders are the tourists and the young and or patrcians.
I walk by the Astor place construction several times a day. Today was an oven and it wasn't even 12:00 yet. This is a sad mess. It's all pavement. Even if they plant the marked out sections it's still mostly concrete. And how many years did it take to plan this? And what is it 3 years and still counting for the construction? The bike racks are the least of the problems.
It's not on the plaza. It's on the road next to the plaza.
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