[Photo on Aug. 11 by Daniel Root]
Construction continues at 421 E. Sixth St. between Avenue A and First Avenue, where Peter M. Brant is having Walter De Maria's former home-studio converted into a gallery space for his personal art collection.
There's construction on two fronts: From the rear of the building on Seventh Street (top photo) and Sixth Street...

[Photo from Aug. 4 by Meredith Rendall]
Given the scope of the work, there isn't any shortage of construction-related noise... which explains this suggested letter-writing campaign... as seen in this flyer on First Avenue and Sixth Street...

[Photo by Samir Randeria]
The letter to residents begins:
If you have been disturbed by the jackhammering that we have been subjected to all summer — you can contact the owner of the property at the following email address...
Then the flyer leaver posted the email that he/she sent:
Hello Mr. Brant,
It is exciting to think there will be a museum on our block. We hope that the community will have access to the museum on a regular basis in recognition of your knowledge that you are part of a community. It has been a very difficult summer, waking up each weekday morning to the sound of jackhammering. I'm sure this is not what you would enjoy. In the past, any notices that might have concerned residents where [sic] so small and inconsequential that it was not possible for anyone to be aware of them. I hope in the future you will make sure that there is real spirit of inclusion.
Thank you.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Confirmed: Peter M. Brant buys Walter De Maria's amazing East 6th Street home and studio
1st permits filed for renovation of Walter De Maria's former home-studio on East 6th Street
Here's what Peter Brant wants to do with his new exhibition space on East 6th Street
When the world's top collectors of Dom Pérignon rosé came to the East Village for dinner
Reader report: 421 E. 6th St. will house Peter M. Brant's personal art collection
Peter Brant's East 6th Street Outreach Tour 2015 continues
Peter Brant meets the neighbors
It's not noise, it's performance art!
At least they haven't pulled Saturday permits from the DOB. Check with the DOB website to see if the project is large enough to require a noise abatement plan and complain to DOB if they haven't stuck to it. Document with photo, audio, video.
Even neighbors at some of the priciest condos have to listen construction noise. Not just for months but for years and with after hour and Saturday permits.
This has me very UNEXCITED
Do they think that Peter Brant gives a shit? He can't hear the jackhammers up in Greenwich, CT.
Do they really think he'll open his "private" tax dodge -er- museum to the public?
Check out the NYTimes article from January of 2015 on the guy and others like him.
The dude has his own private museum up in Greenwich, Connecticut and is a beneficiary of a federal subsidy in that it's a non-profit and tax-exempt "charitable" foundation. A museum that you can only visit with a private appointment (if thell give you one) and is not even marked as a museum from the road.
As for noise, I've been living behind the 100 Avenue A monster building that has been in construction since January of 2014. Construction begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 5:30-6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturdays from 9 - 5 as well.
Jackhammering away and rocking my building for over a year and a half. They seem to be on the last leg of the construction and are finally finishing it up. We were told "major" construction would be done last November. HAH! What a joke.
They - do - not - care.
We living around upper Ave A and B have been subject to much worse for years now although I sympathize with this person. Be happy they are not demolishing this building and putting up a condo twice the size, it will end soon unlike the Extel disaster on 14th street and that stupid building planned for the "stream runs through it" former post office land.
What a stupid letter. Should everyone who remodels their property have to host the neighborhood or just this guy? Because... he's wealthy? Be thankful you're not getting a Moxie Hotel.
They keep moving their phone numberless fences into parking spots they got no permits for. Minor inconvenience you'd think but with a movie closing down the park, an HBO show closing sixth street and con Edison closing down 7th Btwn 1st and 2nd there's absolutely no where to park and tgwyre still ticketing families.
I walk past this every day. When is this shit show going to be over?
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