Friday, October 7, 2016

In brief, the waxing crescent moon

Via local astronomy buff Felton Davis and the Second Avenue Star Watchers...

Thanks to all who stopped by for last night's brief showing of the waxing crescent moon ... Craters Theophilus, Cyrilus, Catharna, Polybius and Piccolomini stood out in their extraordinary jaggedness as they only do on the fifth day of the lunar cycle.

Sadly the moon is still below the celestial equator, and disappeared behind the buildings by 8:15 pm. If it's clear tonight, then I'll be back out on Second Avenue and East Third Street at around 8 to show the moon passing through the center of the galaxy and into the constellation Sagittarius.


  1. Felton is so kind to bring out his telescope and share with everyone. This is one of the things I love about our neighborhood.

  2. so awesome! thank you Felton!!!!!


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