An EVG reader passes along word that a construction truck working on the Extell development at 500 and 538 E. 14th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B "leveled this tree on 13th Street" yesterday afternoon. (The new building's loading docks are on the 13th Street side.)
...another view via a reader on the block...

... the tree was later cut down and mulched...

I hope Extell replants a MATURE tree. They can certainly afford it!
Shameful, the clowns they let behind the wheel of those construction rigs. Wait, no, sorry, even clowns drive better. A loss to the block and the neighborhood, and the asshat who caused this destruction won't even have to pay for a replacement tree.
I never really liked that tree I mulch prefer the one next to it. Seriously the person(s) that witnessed the truck backing into and breaking the tree has to file a police report or nothing will pressure Extel to replace that tree.
Of course, it could be what's referred to as an accident. But sure, call the driver an "ass hat" and dial 911. Someone gets murdered in one of the NYCHA buildings and there's hardly a reaction but a tree goes down and the comments just keep-a-comin'
You break it, you buy it.
Sent an email to Extell requesting that they look into it. Hoping to find a contact person, but if anybody else wants to pressure Extell into replacing the tree (it's on my block so I'm pretty pissed about it...it's the cherry on top of all the noise), their main email is info@extelldev.com
So sad! On Clinton St., we've had about 5 mature trees taken out by large trucks speeding off the Williamsburg Bridge. The city replaced those trees years ago with baby ones. Perhaps NYC started the million trees project to prevent developers/corporations from having to pay for their arboreal massacre.
4:35pm The construction crew destroyed a tree and should cover the cost of a replacement tree, accident or not. This was just carelessness so no "accident."
Give it a rest with the "people post about this but not murders" BS when lots of people comment on murders. We'll. so shut up.
You want a response from Extell? Ahahahahahahah
The guys who put up the scaffolding on East 12th for that new luxury building that goes from 12th over to 11th also destroyed a tree. I feel so sad every time I walk by it. They should have had to build their scaffolding around the tree. The city tries to beautify the neighborhood then lets the luxury developers roll in and destroy it.
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