RIP David Bowie...

[First Park]
The great Blizzard of Jan. 23...

[East 10th Street via Peter Brownscombe]
... and the day after...

[East 1st Street near 1st Avenue]
The great snow, oh you know...

[Photo via @sandispino]

[Photo by Caz Lulu via Facebook]
Panhandling evolution...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
Losing the war against the rats...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]
St. Mark's Bookshop closes...

Another cold, cold night...

[Photo by @georgygirlnyc]
One year later...

[Photo by Stacie Joy]
A new era begins...

[Photo by Steven]
Here's Johnny...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
You will be missed...

So long Yaffa Cafe mural...

[Photo by Allen Semanco]
Saving Air Shaft Rabbit...
At least Chris Christie isn't actually going to be Secretary of the Interior...

[Photo by Karts]
Tompkins Square Park's Prince-inspired piano...

[Photo by Steven]
At the annual Drag March...

[Photo by Stacie Joy]
ABC No Rio closes for now...

[Photo by Walter Wlodarczyk]
The kids learn to fly...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
A Sunday morning walk on St. Mark's Place...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
Campaigning in Tompkins Square Park...

[Photo by Steven]
Bagging a Rattata ...

[Reader-submitted photo]
A hotel in the works for 11th Street...

[Photo by Grant Shaffer]
A sign of progress in the ongoing Astor Place/Cooper Square Reconstruction project...

[Photo by Vinny & O]
A new space on Seventh Street for Abraço...

[Photo by Steven]
111 years later...

A fire at Caracas Arepa Bar...

[Photo by EVG reader Joaquin]
A new home for Comrade Lenin...

[Photo by Peter Marciano]
Fall in Tompkins Square Park...

A crowd in Tompkins Square Park for Choking Victim ...

[Photo by Goggla]
The cube returns to Astor Place at long last...

[Photo by @unitof]
A vote for the neighbor's best restaurant ...

[Photo by Peter Brownscombe]
Another March Against Trump...

[Photo by Steven]
After a brief closure at McSorley's...

[Photo by Steven]
The NYPD vs the Hells Angels...
[Photo by Event Photos NYC]
SantaConned again...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
At the 25th annual Tompkins Square Park tree lighting...

[Photo by Stacie Joy]
A look at the future?...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]
How did I miss Air Shaft Rabbit???
Thank you, Grieve, for another brilliant year of chronicling the wonders and horrors of our nabe. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year EV Grieve! In an era of internet churn, nonsense and clickbait this site is consistently on message, informative and entertaining. Keep up the great work!
Happy New Years to EV Grieve and to all our favorite mascots of 2016 including Airshaft Bunny, Pizza Rat, Harambe the gorilla, Zoltar, the Snicker Bar Squirrel, the Night Heron, Christo, Dora and the baby red tailed hawks, Kita the Wonder Dog, Apple the Pony and all the other animals who post here regularly. Here's to a healthy and happy New Year!
thank you for all that you do. thank you, grumpy readers as well.
That last picture is phenomenal. Put it on a postcard or a bank calendar.
EVgrieve is part of my day like the EV is part of my life. Thanks for a great year.
@ Giovanni et al- fingers crossed!
Don't think I'll see a better year end retrospec than that. Well done.
More amazing images that make me wish I were in the EV.....Planning my next trip for the Spring-LOVED that 1st pic in tribute to Starman....As always,incredible work!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!
Thank you for another year of great reporting. Enjoyed looking back.
Thank you EV, for all the news and commentary but especially for creating this online community that helps sustain the the live EV. My best wishes for 2017. (And to other readers too.)
Thank you EV.
Much love.
Woot thought July almost was a Sunday afternoon show at CB 's
I have a problem with the dog's leash attached to basement doors. If someone opened them, the dog would be hung to death from falling down.
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