Indeed, the family-run Ethiopian outpost remained shut all last week and through the weekend... the interior looks to be in the process of being cleaned up...

There aren't any closed notices on the storefront or Haile's website. The phone goes unanswered. Haile opened in 2013, and was an affordable dining option.
The space was previously home to Fu Sushi.
The restaurant will reopen on March 14!
In 1987, I lived at 188 Ave B. There was NOTHING on that strip except the evangelical church across the way. Rubble piles, crack house at 190, "pros" turning tricks under the awnings. masonry falling off 186 into the street.
Just still shocked to see how much the area has become 'fancy"
We were regulars in Haile the first two years or so. Not only for the great and affordable food, but also for the wonderful lady (owner? manager?). A couple of times when my wife was sick, she'd even make this wonderful Ethiopian-style tea for me to bring back home to my wife. She was not there the last couple of years, and while the food quality and prices remained the same, somehow the restaurant lost something, and we started going there less frequently. Still sad to see it close...
Oh, no! They had really good food. Much better than Awash on 6th St. I'll miss this place.
I saw signs in the window yesterday that said they are closed for remodeling and will be open again in a week or so.
This is from the previous owner of Haile bistro. It is so wonderful to hear from our customers great things about the restaurant and all. We transferred to another family members who can manage it better by been at location all the time. Haile Bistro will be reopen within next week. Thank you!
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