The evening was billed this way:
Martin will discuss investing, healthcare and politics in a presentation/lecture format for one hour and will take questions. There will be a bar session after the Q&A where Shkreli will be available to chat and take photographs. He WILL play tracks from his unreleased music collection (Wu-Tang and more).
Shkreli, who was indicted for securities fraud, famously bought the sole copy of the Wu Tang Clan‘s "Once Upon A Time in Shaolin" in 2015 for $2 million. (He played several tracks in a livestream after Donald Trump won the presidency.)
A Webster Hall rep told Patch that the event has been cancelled without commenting further.
Shkreli confirmed the Webster Hall cancellation on Facebook...
However, tickets are still on sale for the event, with no venue listed...

Shkreli, 33, is awaiting trial for securities fraud. Prosecutors have accused him of looting the pharma company that he was heading of $11 million to pay off investors he was suspected of defrauding.
Last month, he was reportedly suspended from Twitter for harassing a writer from Teen Vogue.
They found someone slightly worse to replace him: the creator of AIDS.
What, the EV isn't already polluted enough with young, sleazy, arrogant, condescending, snotty, "rich as fuck, bro" real estate frat scum, now we have to start importing Big Pharma usurers as well? Who would actually pay long green to hear this waste of skin scammer? He shouldn't even be walking the streets, much less profiting from his "expertise".
Beyond everyone freaking out, my guess is they weren't able to draw much of an audience for this event.
Remember when Webster Hall was a cool place that always cared about the community and wouldn't do irresponsible things like this just to make a quick buck? I don't.
@Giovanni I was waiting for you to stab me at Webster Hall on Valentine's Day. You didn't show. Never the bride...
@NOTORIOUS. You must have me confused with an angry fascist skinhead DJ, or maybe a crazed Mike Pence supporter armed with pepper spray. Anyway i thought you were already Gojira! Happy Valentines Day!
@GIOVANNI It takes THREE people to stand on the floor in Webster Hall to make it collapse.
Fuck Webster Hall for booking this thankfully cancelled event.
They must be hard up for money nowadays.
Sorry to disappoint, Giovanni, but at the moment I am far too busy harassing writers from Teen Vogue to have anything to do with matters of the heart, even with someone as luscious as NOTORIOUS!
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