[Photo from March]
For rent signs had been hanging above the about-to-close home of Cadet, the men's designer shop, on Ninth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue...
Now the coming soon signage is up announcing the next tenant — a threading and waxing salon...

H/T Steven!
Another boutique bites the dust. Who goes to threading places anymore? A male asking. And waxing? short sighted. Laser removal joints are the waxing salon of the future, zap zap.
9th Street used to be such an interesting block with so many creative individuals opening shops, a unique block in years past. Now it is beginning to look like the avenues with food and threading instead. It's a joy to me that Eileen Fisher has kept her original shop there. I can remember when she was there with her one sewing machine...
Oh boy! Another threading/waxing salon! Just what the East Village needs. Not.
I was worried I was running out of threading and waxing places to choose from; thank god for all the options on 9th street and Avenue A. (Doesn't Avenue A boast seven waxing salons? Asking for a friend.)
And how can this business afford the rent?! Just what the neighborhood *doesn't* need.
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