Thursday, April 13, 2017

History of La Plaza Cultural now on display

A new exhibit just debuted titled "La Lucha Continua The Struggle Continues: 1985 & 2017."

Here's more about it:

In 1985, Eva Cockcroft, founder of Artmakers Inc., gathered together 34 “artists of conviction” to create 26 political murals on four vacant buildings overlooking the then neglected La Plaza Cultural Community Garden. Known as La Lucha Continua The Struggle Continues, the murals addressed six political issues: gentrification, police brutality, immigration, feminism, and opposition of U.S. intervention in Central America and apartheid in South Africa. Today, the garden is thriving, the issues remain of grave concern, and only two of the murals still exist, the paint cracked and faded.

The exhibit, which debuted last Saturday, is up through June 30 at the Loisaida Center, 710 E. Ninth St. just east of Avenue C. The exhibit is open Thursday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m.

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