As we reported last week, Community Board 3's Economic Development Committee is hosting a public forum on Wednesday evening to discuss a proposed special district in the East Village "to encourage retail diversity and promote small and independent businesses."
Find more details via a Q-and-A on the CB3 website on the issue. Or last week's post.
Here's a flyer that the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation created for the event...

The meeting is Wednesday from 6:30-9 p.m. at the Sirovich Senior Center, 331 E. 12th St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Public forum set to discuss special business district in the East Village (27 comments)
Hope fully it's not tooo late! Many of our legacy vintage "mom and pop" stores have dissappeared. Too many loopholes .. .resurrection is warranted. And, as a community we should patronize such businesses more so. Best to CB3!
Well....., we do like Starbucks right? It is very much a neighborhood store in the way it operates. Public restrooms for the asking. A nice clean comfortable place to write your great American novel or an email. Plus the staff are usually all smiles. What's wrong with that?
If they start serving alcohol, it would be a different story.
Thanks for the reminder. I don't want to be one of those people who comments about this stuff on EV Grieve, then doesn't go, so I am going to be there! I hope to meet other EV Grieve readers there, too!
What can legally be done?
Starbucks as an enterprise has indeed driven small business out.
Well what's wrong is that Starbucks is an enterprise who has driven mom and pop stores out (who do smile nice and you can read a novel...oh yea and text)!
I must say I would rather a Starbucks or Target than most of the dirty sole-proprietor shops that can't manage to stay open longer than a year.
Dirty sole-proprietor shops? Fuck you you stuck up little shit. Go back to mall land.
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