Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Mayahuel closing on 6th Street; new restaurant in the works for the space

Mayahuel, the Mexican-themed cocktail bar on Sixth Street from the Death & Co. team (Ravi DeRossi), has announced that it will be shutting its doors on Aug. 8.

They made the announcement yesterday via Instagram... "Our lease has come to an end, and renewing wasn't an option."

To our Family, Friends & Fellow Agave Lovers, • It is with great sadness that we inform you Mayahuel will be closing her doors for good on August 8th, 2017. • Our lease has come to an end, and renewing wasn't an option. • There will never be a greater honor than having been able to welcome you into our home, share our passion for agave with you, and create and share so many incredible memories. • Between now and August 8th, we hope to welcome you into our home a few more times to celebrate all that is Mayahuel. • With the utmost appreciation and love, The Mayahuel Family • PARA TODO MAL MEZCAL, Y PARA TODO BIEN, TAMBIEN. 📩 E-mail our General Manager at Justin@mayahuelny.com if you have any questions or reservation inquiries.

A post shared by Mayahuel (@mayahuelny) on

The bar here on between First Avenue and Second Avenue opened in May 2009.

The space doesn't appear to be empty for long. An applicant was on last night's CB3-SLA docket for a new liquor license here. The application posted on the CB3 website is short on specifics, other than the proposed hours — 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily. The applicant, a founder of an e-commerce company for financial-service firms, also owns the building.

H/T Vinny & O!


  1. I'd like to know how the owner of that building got permission to build an extra story on the building.

  2. I guess that's one way to open a restaurant, buy a building. The new EV.

  3. They were really, really good.

  4. I went to this place exactly once. It was so loud, I couldn't hear my companion, so never again.

    I'm also wondering how they got away with the building extension which blocks the sidewalk. There also used to be a tree there, which conveniently disappeared. This is the worst stretch of sidewalk on that block, especially when people stand there and smoke.

    1. Simple: they have a permit. It's public record.

  5. Speaking of Mexican food, Chipotle has had another norovirus outbreak and closed a store in Virginia. Their stock just took a nosedive. According to iiwaspoisoned.com, just today someone reported getting sick after eating at the StuyTown Chipotle too. The symptoms sound severe and gross.

    Location: Chipotle Mexican Grill, 286 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10009, United States

    Symptoms: Diarrhea Nausea Vomiting

    Details: Vomiting for 4 hours. Severe nausea.

    Doctor Visit: No


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