Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Someone added a little detail to the new anti-rat, Big Belly trash can that the city placed here on the northwest corner of Avenue A and Seventh Street last Thursday. Big Belly watchers believe the addition arrived Monday night.


  1. 'rats are greater than frats' - is that some kind of new coding language?

  2. Could not agree more.

  3. YES - rats are much better than frats... !

  4. This is why we can't have nice things.

  5. Perfect graffiti but fuck those trashes, they need to re-design them. Nobody wants to pull that stupid handle so they litter. Not me, I would never litter, but animals do.

  6. LOL @ someone who opens that Big Belly and their Rolex falls into it.

    Rats > Frats!

  7. 4 legs good, 2 legs, drunk and stupid bad

  8. These are Unfair to Rats as they get all the blame for the Garbage

  9. In the Lincoln Center area the Big Bellys have foot pedals in addition to the handle. They're balanced in such a way as to require fairly light pressure from a shoe.

  10. @ anon 6:01


    (me, for instance)

  11. The Frat Trap

    New East Village sports bar opening Fall 2019

  12. we're the slobs.....
    'Mice and rats are fastidiously clean animals, grooming themselves several times a day. In fact, rats and mice are less likely than dogs or cats to catch and transmit parasites and viruses. Mice and rats are highly social animals.' (PETA)

  13. This is why we can't have nice things.

  14. Wow this is bad news for the boys of Pi Lama Poo The Rats will have more Pledges


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