Friday, August 4, 2017

I Am a Rent-Stabilized Tenant

East Village resident Susan Schiffman has been photographing the apartments of rent-stabilized tenants living in the East Village for her Instagram account, I Am a Rent Stabilized Tenant. She will share some of the photos here for this ongoing EVG feature.

Tenant: Daryl, since 1992.

Daryl lives in one of three remaining rent-stabilized apartments in her building. There were a total of nine apartments. The other six have been under renovation for the past year.

The building was bought from the owner, Arthur R. by Icon Realty. Daryl was living in another apartment in the East Village when Arthur R. (she had lived in the building before) called her and told her about an apartment that was available here.

"Everything was always done by hand," Daryl said of her previous landlord. For instance, when she would need to renew her lease, she would meet with Arthur in person to sign it.

Their super has worked in the building for the past 40 years. He is Arthur's nephew.

Daryl showed me the Bible that is on her fireplace. It has been there since she moved in. It belonged to the previous tenant. Daryl opened the Bible, where the name of the previous tenant is written in pencil on the inside cover.

If you're interested in inviting Susan in to photograph your apartment for an upcoming post, then you may contact her via this email.


  1. So great! Following her now!

  2. Thanks! This is a great series, another window into some beautiful homes and stories of awesome longtime EV residents like Daryl.


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