Monday, September 11, 2017

[Updated] Krust Pizzeria is back open on 14th Street

Krust Pizzeria has been out of commission in recent weeks... the food shop on 14th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue seemed to have been in a constant state of renovation at the end of the summer ...

[Top 2 photos from Aug. 26]

And some time last week, legal documents arrived on the door ...

...eviction proceedings are underway...

As of now, Yelp is showing that Krust is permanently closed.

Krust opened in the fall of 2011.

Updated 9/16

Krust pulled through and is back in business, per EVG reader Shiv today...


  1. I refuse to patronize any business that substitutes "K" for "C" or "Q".

  2. Aw Krap! 💩

  3. Are pizzas kooked or baced?

    Another pizza joint kuckolding us. Krazy.


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