Sunday, October 22, 2017

Someone stole this cargo bike

From outside 87 St. Mark's Place between Avenue A and First Avenue...


  1. This should not be hard to recover. Yet the NYPD usually doesn't give a shit about bike theft, unless it's citibike.

  2. "Everyone wanted my bike. This morning, right before it got stolen, Francis offer... FRANCIS!"

  3. Condolences to the (former, I guess) owner. My beloved Xtracycle rig was recently destroyed by would-be thieves trying to twist it off a sign pole on E. 4th Street in the middle of the night. They couldn't defeat my Kryptonite U-lock, but they broke the frame open trying. Amateurs, probably.

    But a bike like this -- where the fuck do you fence it? There's probably less than a hundred in the continental US.

  4. Will keep an eye out. I have similar cargo bike but w/ 2 wheels in front. So don’t jump me citizens(!).
    I keep locked on the street, w/ the hefty NYC Krytonite. Last week there was a cut link on the ground next to my bike, one of those 1/2price cheaper kryptonite knock offs they sell at hardwRe stores. I’m guessing my lock saved me. Maybe there is a new wave of bike thievery activity going on?
    Would be SO easy for NYPD to set up some stings - send a message this is no longer a free $800 bike zone... keep an eye open — yell “HEY” if something looks suspicious. Take pictures. — if that doesnt work, steal my idea to set up a taser rigged poorly locked bike, a web cam, & a YouTube channel. G’luck
    -chris R

  5. My similar cargo bike got stolen on Columbus day. My mistake not to lock it to a pole thinking the bike would be too heavy to carry, and safe in front of my doorman building!! The thief started damaging the rear wheel lock a few days before (and I thought it was just getting rusty). He dragged the bike 2 blocks to remove the front wheel. Lucky me I removed one of the pedals that day to repair the crank which made it difficult for him to ride away. Someone recognized my bike and informed me where it was.
    Although I have the thief on tape (outdoor camera), the Police was not interested in viewing it - only stated :"You got my bike back" (with $400 in repairs now).

  6. Idea:

    A bike cover which would be very difficult to cut through to get to the frame.

  7. This was my bike. Because of the value of the bike, it is grand larceny and the police are following up. I just spoke to the super across the street. A detective took possession of the video which shows a white couple pulling up in a white SUV. When they pulled out the bike was gone. So we shall see what happens. I don't know if the plates were readable. Fingers crossed.


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