Per the sign on the front door:
"Thief is back. Do not just buzz people in:
Have just found over $100 of gifts I ordered open and gone. Another resident also has a ripped and empty box.
Thief is shopping now in our mailbox area. Reporting to Mr. Lasker for any video — but none of us are now safe.
Go down in person if you must let people in. It could be you next."

Per the EVG reader: "We had problems before and our landlord installed cameras. I guess it’s not a deterrent."
Security cameras aren't deterrents to crime? Who woulda thunk?
Smart thief, this way they won’t get caught on the street carrying a box with a name and address on it, they can just stuff the goods in their pockets or a backpack and be gone. Plus they can shop for the best items and leave the duds behind.. Very smart. Who says our public education system is broken?
another wonderful side effect of amazonitis. buy from local stores.
I hate this. We get so many packages. The 9th precinct being on 5th st doesn't seem to deter them either.
This is just so despicable.
Someone there needs to order some crime scene tape from the retail overlord Amazon next time.
Amazonitis: Inflammation of the Amazonutary gland which produce the desire to buy on Amazon.
Symptoms: Buying solely on Amazon.
Causes: An unwillingness to leave the house and/or find other online outlets to buy goods.
Cure: RetailStorex
Side effects included but are not limited to interacting with people in person, supporting local "brick-and-mortar" stores, paying cash, and being able to come home with what you bought.
OK, so people should be punished because they order from Amazon?
All the younger tenants in my building are afflicted with the Amazonitis virus. Every single day there are several packages piling up in the hallway. None of my business, really, except when UPS or FedEx ring my buzzer to be let into the building, which happens way too often. For the record, i have never ordered anything from Amazon. This old geezer prefers to touch and examine what I'm buying. And since I'm fortunate to live in NYC, there has not been one item I couldn't find in a shop within walking distance. Not a value judgement, just my preference.
wow. Now we're blaming the victims? Not everything that comes in the mail is from amazon. sometimes you can't get something you need locally. What if it was a gift someone sent to you?
Use Amazon lockers or have items shipped to work if possible.
My sister and brother in law sent me a birthday gift to my apartment (instead of my employer) and the package was stolen.
I chastised my sister for not driving to the East Village and buying a gift from a local store.
I have a UPS mailbox. Worth every penny.
This isn't just happening in NY, but everywhere. Amazon must get hundreds of claims every month for packages that weren't received. Does anyone know how they handle that? Do they refund customers or send another item (if available) and write off the expense?
My building doesn't even have a buzzer, deliveries are just left on front stoop or in the very small foyer. I've almost stepped on or tripped over other tenant's packages. My office, like many others, has been sending regular emails "strongly discouraging" employees from ordering personal packages. So I still depend on my little old lady shopping cart.
Do they refund customers or send another item (if available) and write off the expense?
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