If you weren't already in the Christmas mood in September, then you will be now.
EVG reader KT noted the arrival yesterday of the trailer that will house the Christmas-tree-selling crew on 14th Street near First Avenue.
Can we expect to see grubby ol' St. Nick (Trailer Park Santa Claus to a few) soon?
[EVG photo from 2012]
I'm guessing OSN will arrive when the stand is officially open and guarded. Put him up now and he could be stolen by The Grinch!
I thought to myself last night when I walked by that its arrival seems a day or two earlier than usually, but maybe not; I appreciate the scene created though, especially how O'Hanlon's is sorta tied into it all.
Thank, God. Finally. There is hope we'll get through a very bad bad year -- yet. Once, that is, we get through . . . Santacon.
Will they take over and block the sidewalk as all of these purveyors illegally do every year?
WHEN IS SANTACON?????????????
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