An EVG reader shared this surveillance video from early Saturday morning... showing a man (with a lookout) cut through two locks with a portable angle grinder and leave with a bike on Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B... (the bike owner filed a police report and shared the footage, minus the musical accompaniment ...)
Thank you for the sound track. Makes it even sweeter. Ha.
Hey the thieves have their own alphabet city retail outlet now! Dash on down to the shop and buy your bike back piece by piece.
That’s both sad and hilarious at the same time. Now all I want for a Christmas is a video of Trump being a perp walked out of the White House to the tune of “It’s the end of the world as we know it “
Same thing happened last year about this time on 2nd St. and 1st ave. Grinder and 2 man operation, one was pretending to sweep the sidewalk on the corner as lookout. Cameras recorded the guy with portable grinder taking a bike that was parked out front, owned by a real nice kid who saved all his chore money to buy it and the lock. Please watch out for these guys, they deserve the worst.
@Giovanni - You may get to settle for Kushner being indicted. Live footage of uncomfortable lawyers hustling around and Tony Bennett singing "The Best Is Yet To Come"
Sadly, if they go to the 9th Pct they will not even fill out a report unless you insist and really force them to. You know, because that that make their Comstat numbers go up.
I remember a delivery guy dashed on down and actually had to buy it back from the dirty thief.
this is their living--the same two stole my bike from in front of THE BEAN (as i watched from inside) (not interested in fighting/arguing for a bike) (THE BEAN graciously offered their security tape).......
That’s quite an operation. No eye protection that I could see, though.
Wow they stole the chain and lock also.
Whoa! A portable angle grinder. I've got two portable drills, but not one of these. Gotta get me one.
What a Dishonest way to get by. I'll say this. Live by the angle grinder die by the angle grinder.
Wow. Brazen.
These two need to be stopped. Probably the same two that stole my bike on 4th between 1st and A. It was only there about 45 minutes and was chained. It seems like this is happening a lot in our neighborhood.
Do they really have a store now?
How expensive is a GPS tag for your bike? Howzmabout planting nasty sabotaged bikes around to be stolen?
Al Cabal, you're always full of good ideas. It would serve them so right.
Giovanni, just how often do you think about Trump? It's not healthy.
@Al Cabal -
Neither GPS or sabotage works because the bikes are immediately broken down into parts. For really expensive bikes maybe because then the operation is tempted by the quick sale in some other borough.
Stealing someone's bike off the street is incredibly disgusting. Most people who leave it on the street aren't very wealthy at all, they are riding around on a bike to get around and can'take bring it in overnight for C's sake.
These two are piles of shit. It's alarming that it takes less than 2 minutes to steal it. I wonder what kind of bike it was and lock was used. I fear that scumbags will see this video and get the same idea, but it's certain they already have.
Good point about people leaving bikes out because of ones economic status. Commercial garages are actually charging 12 bucks an hour to park it in there. And a lot of bike commuters don't live in towers with amenities like a bike room.
I have had my bike's front tire stolen more times than I care to remember but a couple of nights ago someone stole my 9 year old's front tire on the corner of 4th and B. It feels especially low to steal something off of a kid's bike and annoying because it's not cheap or easy to have it repaired.
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