Saturday, December 9, 2017

1:30 p.m., 2nd Avenue and 9th Street

Photos by Steven


  1. I took the E Train around noon to 53rd St today, when my train pulled into the 34th St station a whole fresh and not so fresh batch of suburban Santas where yelling and acting like fools on the platform. Other passengers looked shocked and shook their heads.

  2. So gross EV Grieve has no words, just photos LOL.

  3. Make me wanna puke..go ahead and puke
    ..Say yeah and puke and puke..Go ahead..

    With apologies to the Great Isley Brothers

  4. This tweet sums it all up:

    @mekosoff : SantaCon is, at its core, a networking event for this city's worst people.

  5. It’s for the kids let’em be. Once you were young and not bitter or maybe not

    1. Lifelong Bitter resident... I plan to remain that way. The vomiting Intruders still suck.

    2. They're not kids; they're adults acting like kids and who don't want to grow up and who want to keep sucking alcoholic milk. Maybe once you've grown up and have adult responsibilities you'll understand 3:31 pm.

  6. Oh the courage of youth. How wonderful that this experiment in pub crawling has evolved to the point where the MTA puts on extra buses and extra Long Island Railroad Trains. Better this than marches like the one in Charlottesville. I know it is de-rigeur to attack Santa Con, but if one can't survive it what kind of city are we?

  7. The WooWhooo crowd has finally made it into my building today. They're worse than I ever imagined. WORSE.

  8. They're not kids. They're adults and the future of our country. Let that sink in.

  9. An interesting study could be made by comparing data on reports of rape and or violence, thefts, etc, since SantaCon became an EV event. I bet there's a spike on the dates of post-SantaCon, as apposed to pre-SantaCon era EV.

  10. @3:31pm: Yeah, I was young once, but I didn't have a drinking problem, which apparently most of these jerks do. Because if the BEST, MOST FUN way you can think of to spend a snowy, cold Saturday is to put on a costume & wander around getting drunk (starting long before lunchtime!), you DO have a problem.

    Most people have a life, but I see the participants in this event as having only cellphones, bad judgment, and liver damage. I'm gratified to know that they're losing brain cells with every additional drink they take, and I sincerely hope every single one of them has a miserable hangover tomorrow. They have my complete disrespect, because our neighborhood suffers from THEIR complete disrespect for us and where we live. We are a place for them to piss and puke on.

  11. Yes, I agree: let them be foolish. As long as they dont kill themselves.

  12. Screw these creeps who think being drunk by mid-day is "fun". Stay home and puke in your own home or yard, you losers. Notice they do this to disrespect Christianity - what do you think would happen if they had a drunk-a-thon with a Jewish or Muslim theme?

  13. I would like, no love to see, how these jolly lowlifes react when a homeless man of a different race or nationality stumbles up to them drunk and vomits on em while yelling merry xmas as chunks come out of his mouth. Will it be merry good natured fun then?

    The news coverage of this moron drunken march "charity drive" has been revoltingly sugarcoated. One guy interviewed dismissed a reporter's question about if his and his fellow fake santas were annoying and offending the citizens and kids in the area they were fouling and he said "Well, it's New York". Like being a vagrant shithead pissing on the street is a predetermination and permitted because of the location. (On channel 11, one guy was caught unzipping his pants)

    I can't help but to get nostalgic, but there was a time when this would event with it's reputation would have been dutifully followed all the way showing the debauchery in full.

    This is another case where the hypothesis "what if these participants were predominantly black would the coverage and enforcement be different" would come in. (Blacks imbibing matters!) Well, that's where J'Overt comes in, I think, so all is fair.

    I hope fun and revelry was had by all wreaking havoc and waiting on lines to get inside bars like chumps. It's not like there's a war about to start (or a draft to fight it) or a society destroying tax cut about to be enacted that may impact them later on. Merry Christmas pigfuckers.

  14. It was so annoying and also snowing so I just have one long video and one pic I will post soon.
    That shit was awful and not worth getting my phone soaked for the idiots out there.I saw them getting tickets and crying and yelling at cops. Girls falling over in heels in the snow then crying...guys yelling at women who were trying to cross the street to get away from them...puke inside of lifting santas getting yelled at my bodega worker having to chase them down...and the bouncer at 13th step about to lose it. Lots of phone conversations to be overhead that were classic. "Bro he didn't let me run because I had no ID! Fucking asshole!" and "I can't believe i got a ticket bro I'm santa!" Haha..

  15. not a cool kid in the crowd

  16. Is that Yoko Ono Joining in

  17. I spent the entire day in bed, under the warm covers of my bed, often looking at my window as the beautiful snow fell, watching the second season of The Crown, impervious to the on goings of the neighborhood. This was a deliberate action on my part to evade the craziness and insanity that is called Santa Con. Next year I will also hide because it is too much of a disgusting shit show.


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