Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sunday morning's cleanup

A super on 13th Street near Third Avenue was sweeping up some remains of SantaCon...


  1. Put that suit in an incinerator.

  2. The city bill for cleaning up this slobfest needs to be handed to the bar owners that welcomed those crowds of costumed morons into their establishments,

  3. I was very glad to know that Penny Farthing had a "no santas" sign up.

    And yes, the city should bill the bar owners that welcome the drunks and also bill the guy who orchestrates this shit show, since he is so pleased to make NYC a shittier place in December (all in the name of some non-existent charity that I'm sure never gets a penny. I'll believe it when he files the proper & transparent paperwork showing where the money went.).

  4. Next year NYC should have a rule: If you are in Manhattan below 59th St. and wearing a santa outfit of any type (even just the hat), you have to pay $10 fee. They can take apple pay, etc. & stamp your hand the way they do at clubs to prove you've paid. The city would rake in some nice $$$$ that way.

  5. Thank you, Figment NYC. You’re were great for local businesses yesterday...


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