Monday, January 15, 2018

EV Grieve Etc.: Tommy Wiseau at the Sunshine; NYC's best bagels — mapped

[Photo on Houston and the Bowery yesterday by Derek Berg]

No-heat complaints at the Max Meltzer Senior Center on First Street (PIX 11)

Firefighter stationed at Ladder 11 on Second Street accused of trafficking fentanyl (The Daily News ... NY1)

City announces new deal to replace facilities lost in Rivington House fiasco (Curbed)

SLA nixes proposed restaurant at Allen and East Houston from Sons of Essex team (The Lo-Down)

SLA suspends liquor license for the troubled Delilah on Rivington Street (The Daily News)

One last glitzy premiere at the Sunshine (Page Six ... previously)

And then there was Tommy Wiseau at the Sunshine (Slum Goddess)

Map: Where to find the city's best bagels (Eater)

U.S. theatrical premiere of "Pow Wow" starts Friday at the Anthology Film Archives (Official site)

Rivington Street deli robbed at gunpoint (PIX 11)

The 1950s-1960s NYC street photography of Jonathan Brand (Creative Boom)

Conflicted thoughts on the Astor Place Kmart (Flaming Pablum)

When Lou Reed and the Talking Heads teamed up for "Femme Fatale" (Dangerous Minds)

Julian Eastman tribute at the Kitchen (The New Yorker)

Lower Manhattan in 1642 (Ephemeral New York)

Some history of Stuyvesant Street (Off the Grid)

And on that note, here's a postcard of the St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery from 1906 ... via the NYPL Digital Collections...


  1. I am not sure I agree with all of the bagel choices, but I will give props for the nice tie-in of the article and the map.

  2. Paul Seres was once in Venue Advisors with Ariel Palitz and he owned a lounge called Apt. 13 on Avenue C which was shut down by DOB and the SLA made him give up his license for lying on his application, the second fl. was never legal. He should never be allowed to acquire any more licenses in NYC.


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