Thursday, January 25, 2018

King Kong Lives (on 13th Street)

Been waiting to get a daylight shot of this mural that Dragon76 created this past weekend on 13th Street at First Avenue... Ichibantei next door commissioned the work...

It takes the place of the Godzilla v. Gamera mural that had been here the past three years...


  1. Noooo! My hero has been painted over?!? Oh, the kaiju-ity! (Sobs.)

  2. Way Cool. Go KONG!

  3. Some 1933 (THE version) King Kong quotes:

    Theatre Patron: Say, what is it, anyhow?
    Theatre Patron: I hear it's a kind of a gorilla.
    Theatre Patron: Gee - ain't we got enough of them in New York?

    Famous last words:

    Carl Denham: Don't be alarmed, ladies and gentlemen. Those chains are made of chrome steel.


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