Saturday, February 10, 2018

Exercise studio plans to open 15 NYC locations; 276 Bowery is 1st

The Post yesterday had a story about FitHouse, a new exercise studio with plans to open 15 NYC locations... the first of which will be at 276 Bowery just south of Houston...

Per the Post:

As part of its fast-paced expansion, FitHouse will use so-called shotgun leases — extremely flexible arrangements that allow the landlord or the studio to cancel with a 60- or 90-day notice.

FitHouse is said to offer unlimited yoga, dance, high-intensity interval training, pilates and barre classes for $99 a month. Not sure what kind of commitment they'll make gymgoers agree to ...

276 Bowery has been a temp space for events/exhibits of late. Sunrise Rainbow Kitchen Supply moved out last summer after four years.


  1. It appears most of the new businesses opening in the past few years have some versions of a "shotgun lease". Sadly it is not the case as small businesses can no longer survive the for 6 - 12 months.

  2. Right next door to The Chinatown Y, which is way cheaper and has showers and sauna. This is a business plan?

    1. The $10 pressed juice and $5 coffee crowd in a $100 gym outfit with a $2,000 little silver laptop does not go to the Y... they think the Y is a bad song that gets played at weddings

  3. An exercise studio? On The Bowery? They might as well exercise their option to get out of the lease right now

  4. It's not very easy obtaining a license from the city to open a gym. A lot of requirements. This may be their way to circumvent.


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