[Photo by Bobby Williams]
A few photos from today's — pick your hashtag! — #WinterStormToby #SnowDay #4Easter #Noreaster4 etc. ...

[Photo by Peter Brownscombe]

[Photo by PB]

[Reader-submitted photo of the New York Marble Cemetery]

[Reader-submitted photo of 7th and A]

[Photo in Tompkins Square Park by Derek Berg]
Why on earth does there need to be an NYPD car sitting in the park right now, or pretty much ever? They also increasingly drive across the park on the sidewalk that's on the 9th St level, as a shortcut between 9th precinct's Avenue C location and the 5th St location. This is not how you build community trust.
The last photo with NYPD in full military mode over some snow is ridiculous.
That squad car would be the NYPD snow patrol, there to rescue skiers, hikers and dog sledders who might get trapped in the blizzard, and to enjoy watching the snow fall over a hot cup of coffee in the meantime.
ray's in the snow! <3!
All Chase branches in the neighborhood are closed. The ATMs work, but will probably be out of cash in a couple of hours.
Is this what Commish O'Neil meant by "build the block" community policing? Having a cruiser run up behind you?
Nothing more nauseating than a government vehicle in pedestrian space.
It's not a bad thing to have the police there at all - it hopefully deters predators
from carrying out whatever plot they conjure as innocent people are going about their business.
They are just sitting in the car looking out for people !
That is a good thing !
Any sign of Opie ?
Last summer there was a car in the court on A and 10th doing wheelies. What's wrong with a police car?
God Bless the NYPD!
and there's LOTS more
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