Park regulars said that there were complaints about more and more people letting their dogs run loose in sections of Tompkins, especially in the West Lawn near the entrance on St. Mark's Place... and not clean up after their dogs... in this area right here!

Parkgoers said some dog owners continued to ignore the various warnings and homemade signs... especially early mornings and on weekends...
Now someone (presumably from the Park office) has padlocked the entrance to the West Lawn in an attempt to thwart the dog owners from using this area ...

[Photo yesterday by Bobby Williams]
Previously on EV Grieve:
A warning about off-leash dogs in Tompkins Square Park (29 comments)
It's always huskies that I see being exercised in this area, and it seems clear that the reason is that there are no dog runs big enough for a large and energetic dog like that to really get going (that I know of) anywhere nearby. The large dog run at Tompkins Sq Park is the biggest one I know of, and it's not that big, especially when it gets crowded on a weekend.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't excuse the behavior, and I would never get a husky in NYC for exactly this reason ('he looks like a wolf and that's cool' is no reason to get a dog who's not suited to city life! If you want a big dog, get a wolfhound or a great dane!), but I do think there's a need that's not being met here.
@8:52 AM
ReplyDeleteThere is a HUGE dog run at 15th Street and 2nd avenue, it takes up almost the entire East Sty park. I know it is several blocks from TSP but that shouldn't be an issue for someone looking for a little exercise for their dog and themselves.
Most dog owners are considerate people but the rotten apples have commandeered the green spaces for their own selfish needs. I happy to see that the Park crew has taken the first step to fixing this bad behavior. The next step will be to hand out tickets to violators, could be a good income for the park and help with the cost of re-seeding this area.
There are parks throughout the city without dog runs, such as Prospect Park, where dogs are allowed off-leash between 9pm and 9am. Otherwise, I don't know how the city can meet every single non-essential need for people who make unwise decisions, such as choosing to have a husky in the city when there's not a lot of room for a husky to run.
ReplyDeleteThey need to close this one now. It's bad enough the area around the original dog run smells so horrible. We don't need another section smelling like sh*t.
ReplyDeleteNot enough space and public respources for these dogs already? and that run smells just walking by. #priviledge
ReplyDeleteI don't know anybody that dislikes dogs so much but judging by these comments, there are plenty. I'm really glad I don't know you. On that note, please pick up after your dog.
ReplyDeleteAs a dog owner, I hate the entitled cornballs that do whatever they want, like when they had them running wild all over the main lawn. If you wanna chill with your dog on the main lawn, keep it leashed, and keep it close, and chill, and that's it. It's not a dog park.
ReplyDeleteI also know that a lot of dogs are not good with other dogs so can't go in the dog run - so I don't blame someone for running a dog like that real quick outside the dog park - but most of these douchebags are entitled smug idiots whose dogs are fine with other dogs, and are playing with other dogs - and then they do it for like 20 minutes. If that's the case, use the fucking dog run.
If you're being thoughtful and quick and your dog CAN'T be in the dog run, then it's all good.
Common sense and respect.
And I will call all you suburban cornballs out.
Saw the gate unlocked this morning, but it was because someone was in there laying mulch down. Hopefully it stays locked when people aren't tending to it because those dogs have turned it into a mud pit this winter.
ReplyDeleteI hate entitled cornballs who take their dogs onto the great lawn, walking right past the sign that states 'NO DOGS'. I like being able to sit on the lawn, confident that your dog has not urinated there.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't take my dog on the lawn, considering that Parks liberally applies Roundup™ weed-killer to all the grass. They claim it's "safe" for pets and people, but I won't even lie on the grass for the reason that they use it.
ReplyDeleteRoundup™ is a likely carcinogen, in case anyone was wondering. IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) has determined it to be "probably carcinogenic to humans," which is why we should be scared.