Sunday, April 8, 2018

Reminders: Recycle your e-waste today

Reps from the the Lower East Side Ecology Center will be on Avenue A (between Ninth Street and 10th Street) today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ... where they'll be accepting your old (or new maybe) electronics.

And as noted on Friday, here's the list of items they'll accept during the e-waste-apalooza:

• Computers (laptops & desktops, servers, mainframes)
• Monitors (CRT and flatscreen)
• Network devices (routers, hubs, modems, etc.)
• Peripherals (keyboards, mice, cables, cords, chargers, etc.)
• Tablets and e-readers
• Components (hard drives, CD-ROMs, circuit boards, power supplies, etc.)
• Printers under 100 pounds, scanners, fax-machines, etc
• TVs, VCRs, DVRs, DVD & Blu-ray Players
• Digital Converter Boxes, Cable/Satellite Receivers
• Portable music players
• Audio-visual equipment
• Video games
• Cell phones, pagers, PDAs
• Telecommunication (phones, answering machines, etc.)

There are some e-waste items that we accept, but we charge a recycling fee for:
Media such as CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, and cassette tapes
Computer battery backup systems (Uninterruptible Power Supply [UPS])

FAQ page here.

1 comment:

  1. Just want to thank the people from the Lower East Side Ecology Center for doing this. It's so much better to recycle this equipment than to toss it in the trash!


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