Monday, May 7, 2018

Hot Box looking ready to debut on 2nd Avenue

The coming soon signs are up in the windows at 77 Second Ave. between Fourth Street and Fifth Street... the home of Hot Box.

Here's the About via the restaurant's Facebook page:

Blending together a mix of East Asian broth, noodles and topped with the freshest ingredients, Hot Box serves deeply flavorful combinations on a signature burner system for a longer-lasting "fresh off the stove" taste.

And here's their menu from the recent soft opening...

And via Instagram...

The restaurant's owners are on tonight's CB3-SLA committee meeting agenda for a new beer-wine license. However, this item will not be heard at the meeting.

Ciala, which briefly served Georgian cuisine before switching to French food, had an inauspicious five-month tenure at the address. Before Ciala, Ballaro had a seven-year run, closing in February 2016.

1 comment:

  1. Why does every restaurant think they need a beer and wine license? Patrons would probably prefer to have water these days. Society has slowly moved away from the two martini lunch and the four glasses of wine for dinner routine as we discover that the more we drink, the faster we put on weight and slowly ruin our livers.


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