[Image via Streeteasy]
The triplex unit at 84 E. 10th St. between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue is on the rental market with a July move-in date.
The residence arrived on Streeteasy this week. Per that listing:
You are surrounded by boutique retail, major retail, bars, restaurants, cafes. easy access to all subway lines, clubs and everything your bohemian soul could desire.
The unit is a massive triplex 1800 sq ft loft.
It is built out as a 5 bedroom, 3 bath plus a home office.
It features multiple skylights, private roof deck, modern kitchen, over sized living room, soaring high ceilings, natural light, hardwood floors and laundry in the unit.
The asking rent: $10,900 a month.
The space was last on the market in 2013, when it was fetching $7,950.
This residence may also be the reason behind an ongoing — dating to June 2010 — "stop the rooftop noise" sticker-and-flyer campaign in the immediate vicinity...

And No. 84's rooftop via Streeteasy...

Natural light??? What the hell is natural light??? As opposed to the light outside of your heinously overvalued faux luxury apartment.
Georgetown Hoyas merch is bohemian?
The last time I checked, my bohemian soul didn't require four rich roommates to afford $10K in rent to live in a brodominium. But that's just my bohemian soul...
Is that a Solo cup I see on the table?
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality...
@SD On the table, under the floor boards, in the washer and dryer...
My bro-hemian soul prefers not to display Uni banners and detest lots of brown upholstered furni.
THAT much money for an apartment with a crappy rooftop & a view toward the back of old tenement buildings? I wonder who the fool(s) are that would pay that much.
Why are you helping the rental broker rent this apartment? Receiving a cut of the commission or something?
You and many of your readers make me laugh. You bemoan the high rents and all the businesses driven out by them yet you shill for the high rent chargers and no one bats an eyelash.
So which is it? High rents, greedy landlords etc. have ruined and continue to ruin the East Village or we've given up so let's help them make even more money?
Tell me it's to point out how outrageous the rents are well there's no need to post a detailed realtor-like ad for the place. You could easily say "another 10K plus a month rental has hit the East Village market - ridiculous" and leave it at that but no you gotta help the rental broker.
All that my crabby bohemian soul wants is for the bros and hos to move back to Kansas, for the real estate developers to suddenly vanish in a puff of smoke, and for NYC to go back to the way it was 30 years ago. Simple, right?
Failing that, please, someone, sand and re-varnish that hideous deck.
I think they meant to say “Brohemion soul.”
Everyone needs to stop living in the past. This is the new East Village.
This apartment will be leased in no time with tenants that will actually spend money in the neighborhood and support the local businesses.
Dear EVer,
At that rent it’s going to probably go down as a shared space to NYUers who’s parents will feed them too. The only thriving local businesses in the new EVer are bars and all you can drink brunch joints. That’s why there’s so much empty (ing) commercial space in the new EV
Living in the present means being ripped off on over priced rental spaces if this is your argument. There’s no family that’s going to move in there with kids. Look around the hood if you really want to know what’s going on. You will notice mobs of drunk people Thursday thru Sunday.
Brodomidium, even Colbert couldn't come up with that portmanteau. (he used to be able too.)
Yeah, that deck is getting moldy there. Probably also from jager puke in addition to the storms of the past 2 months.
Dear Latifa,
So will you complain when developers create high-end condo buildings for wealthy families to move in also?
It seems like everyone always is complaining, change is good.
@Progressive EVer - "...tenants that will actually spend money in the neighborhood and support the local businesses" - so what do you think those of us who have lived long-term in the EV do, subsist on free food and clothing cadged from dumpsters and trash bins, while going to Connecticut or NJ in our hybrid cars to actually purchase things? One of the more witless statements on this blog in a while, trumped only by Anon. 12:51, who does not seem to realize this is an informational site, both good and bad, and that Grieve reprinting what is out there for all the world to already see is not "shill(ing) for the high rent chargers", but rather, keeping us informed of the latest, endless, real-estate shenanigans. This is our neighborhood. We like to know what's happening in it. @Latifa, you are 100% correct, this is no longer a 'hood for families, it's just a playground for brohos. EVer can't or won't see it, wonder what real estate developer signs his paychecks?
Dear Gojira
Progress Ive Ever equals change with over priced rentals
Change is good
Being ripped off is Bad
Dear “pro gressive” Ever
No one is stopping you developing friends
Take a walk down Ave A
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