Saturday, September 29, 2018

Stage set for Mighty Mighty Bosstones show today in Tompkins Square Park

As noted Thursday, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones are playing a free show in Tompkins Square Park this afternoon as part of a benefit concert for Jimmy G., the frontman of NYHC veterans Murphy’s Law.

Jimmy G. — aka James Drescher — was hospitalized in July and subsequently needed several surgeries. (Read the GoFundMe page for more.)

EVG reader Peter D. shared these top two photos... showing how the stage is looking around 11 a.m. ...

And Steven took these shots...

There is a suggested $20 donation for today's benefit show, which includes Sheer Terror, Killing Time and Combust. Mark Yoshitomi of Generation Records is overseeing a raffle.

The show is scheduled from 2-6 p.m. I don't have exact set times at the moment. MMB expected to come on at 4:30 p.m.

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