Crews have been out the past two days/nights on Third Avenue and 11th Street and 12th Street (and elsewhere) filming a new NBC series called "The Village" ... which is set in — Brooklyn.
The above photo is from 12th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue tonight.

Per the NBC synopsis:
Welcome to The Village, an apartment building in Brooklyn that appears like any other from the outside — but is quite unique inside. The people who reside here have built a bonded family of friends and neighbors. Sarah's a nurse and single mom raising a creative teen; Gabe's a young law student, who just got a much older and unexpected roommate; Ava must secure the future of her young, U.S.-born son when ICE comes knocking; Nick's a veteran, who's just returned from war; and the heart and soul of the building, Ron and Patricia, have captivating tales all their own. These are the hopeful, heartwarming and challenging stories of life that prove family is everything, even if it's the one you make with the people around you.
Maybe these are just scenes where, say, Ron and Patricia are at a party on 12th Street and something captivating happens.
Yes, some apartments are super friendly community places where people support their neighbors and are involved in each other's lives. But...most new yorkers hardly talk to anyone in their building.
ReplyDeleteThis program is going to make me feel like a loser for being a hermit.
Lame. Just lame. And they could easily film these scenes in a studio and just use stock footage film of the street but authenticity and aesthetics are always an issue, even if they are using the absolute wrong location. The mayors office of film and tv is run by a rubber stamping star humping stooge.
ReplyDeleteI am curious about what Brooklyn town this based on. Maybe one that isn't fully gentrified but on its way like Crown Heights or East NY
How confusing. What’s next, a TV show in the East Village called Park Slope? It’s too bad nobody from NBC knows anything about New York’s geography. Maybe they should move their headquarters to New York. Oh, wait...
ReplyDeleteThe earlier articles on Deadline all said the show was set in Manhattan, so somone apparently made a last minute creative change to move it to Brooklyn while still filming it in The ViIlage. Which makes total sense if you’re a highly-paid TV executive,
At least the cast looks good, and includes 87 year old Dominic Chianese, who played Uncle Junior from The Sopranos, and Frankie Faison, the actor who played Barney, the friendly mental institution attendant who cared for Hannibal Lechter in the Silence of the Lamb movies, plus Lorraine Toussaint from Orange Is The New Black. This show looks like a clone of NBC’s This Is Us, with a bit of Friends and Seinfeld thrown in where everyone just wanders into everyone else’s apartment and no one ever locks their front doors. Which is so New York.
ReplyDeleteUncle Junior is a cool dude. He was the only character that you can sympathize with on the Sopranos.
This show is gonna be more like "This is Bust"
Here's an idea. How about a show called "This is Crust" that chronicles the daily mischief and loose hygienic habits of the crusties around 1st and 2nd avenue.
I'm thinking of how all the action in Barney Miller took place in one room, for every episode of the entire show. (Actually, some scenes in the initial episodes were shot in Barney's apartment.)
ReplyDeleteThe only exterior shot was in the closing credits, which rolled over the water of New York harbor.
@JQ LLC. “This Is Crust” LOL! That could also be a show about Dollar Pizza.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly right. Or has Det. Yamana use to say "very well put" The other exterior shot was with Hal Linden yukking it up with some cops at the pct. door.
Thanks for the props. In fact, it can save the city money on location by filming the crusties interacting on a soundstage at Kaufma and having a shot of two bros in the beginning for authenticity just like Barney Miller's opening and a shot of the vacant lot/graveyard on 7th and 2nd.
It's like the writers threw every iteration of a "hip/edgy" character they could think of into a hat, picked a certain number of slips, and fashioned a show around them. What, no curmudgeonly but ultimately lovable cigar-chomping super to tend to and watch out for his flock? Please.
ReplyDeleteThere have been far too many film shoots on 12th between Third & Second Avenues this year, going back to early February. This is getting to be too much, esp. when the film crew lights up the block to the level of daylight when it's actually night outside.
ReplyDeleteThere should be a limit to how many times a block can be intruded this way in a given year.