Thursday, October 4, 2018

The return of the cowboy on Avenue A

The cowboy mural by Solus made a return appearance to 50 Avenue A yesterday.

Back in June, Solus (via the L.I.S.A Project NYC) put up a nearly identical cowboy here between Third Street and Fourth Street...

[EVG photo from June]

However, the landlord of the vacant space had the mural painted over for whatever reasons within several days. Perhaps it will stick around longer this time.

This retail property has sat empty since the Citibank branch closed in January 2017.


  1. What is the meaning/origin of "The Cowboy" in a city with zero cowboys (or cows for that matter unless the farm in Queens has them)?

  2. Unappealing then, unappealing now.

  3. Anon ‘s gotta anon


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