That Nobletree Coffee outpost is now open on the northwest corner of Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place... EVG regular Lola Sáenz shared these photos this afternoon...

The Brooklyn-based Nobletree has several locations in NYC, including in the Dekalb Market Hall and Westfield World Trade Center.
Here's more about them via their website:
Nobletree’s name reflects the coffee tree’s alluring history and is a nod of respect to those who first transported coffee trees from their native home in Ethiopia to the tropics of the Atlantic. Today, Nobletree Coffee continues that tradition of respect by valuing everyone involved in growing, roasting, and preparing coffee as team members united in working toward the common goal of delivering a superior product to the most discerning consumers.
This prime corner space has sat empty for three years ... ever since DF Mavens closed.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Nobletree Coffee is the next tenant for 37 St. Mark's Place and 2nd Avenue
PC COFFEESPEAK....I think I'll pass.
Great. Another fucking coffeehouse. Just what the EV needs. This location will need to sell a lot of java if they want to remain open. How many places have coveted this corner in the past two years? A few. I just don't understand why or how a business owner would want to open a storefront here, much less a cafe when they are more than enough to go around. The owners must be ultra wealthy.
When I passed by this afternoon, the place was busy, with people settled in already looking like they were regulars. It’s a nice buildout and at forst I almost thought it was one of the newer Starbucks. I’d rather have something here that’s useful and full of people than the empty eyesores we have had on this corner for the past decade.
Yeah they'd have to sell a lot of coffee. I seem to remember the monthly rent on that space was $40,000 a month.
Sorry for those involved in this venture, but I estimate6-8 months, tops.
I want to watch a 30 minute documentary that shows the process of how they decided upon "Nobletree" - please I need to know.
I don't wish them I'll, but... pass. I'll stick to Fresco across the avenue. Good coffee, good people (family owned!), cozy atmosphere.
Agree with 6pm, a lot of coffee needs to be sold on this "bad mojo" corner (I mean, the Gap couldn't make it!) to amortize the $20k monthly rent! And yes, a tad short-sighted to open yet another coffee joint here...
Can’t wait until the crusties return to the corner. They will be in for a surprise.
This corner location isn’t jinxed, by any means. Hadn’t Kim’s Video occupied that building—on 2 floors—for many years? What’s needed on that corner is a business thst’s authentic and non-corporate. Not going to happen unless the rent is substantially decreased.
What is this thing...coffee?
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