A photogenic spring day in Tompkins Square Park this Tuesday. The top photo comes from riachung00.
... and Allen Semanco shared this shot of honeysuckles...

Steven spotted a worker dropping dry ice into the rat holes ...

Stylish Rat Ice logo TBH.
Also, as previously noted (likely in middle school science class), dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide. As it melts, it turns into carbon dioxide gas, which fills the burrows, suffocating any rats inside. Using dry ice reduces the risk to other animals and children that poison can pose, per an article that I cut and paste this from.
Better feature of Steven’s first photo is that it captures a hawk in flight, which underscores the main advantage of rat ice over poisons.
That's awesome.
Bartender, A MAnhattan with some Rat Ice please...
Rat Ice, great marketing idea and a good natural option to poison.
Rat Ice would be best put to use if it were placed in and around City Hall.
I see what you did there XTC!
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