Key Food on Avenue A at Fourth Street is the closest grocery to my apartment. So I'm more likely to have updates from here as opposed to some of the other neighborhood groceries. (I welcome comments about other markets.)
This morning, there were seven delivery trucks outside the supermarket, delivering everything from dairy to Peppridge Farms.
Key is no longer open 24/7. They are closed from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. for sanitizing and restocking...

They also put a limit on high-demand items like, toilet paper and milk...

They were hit and miss on a few things (boxed unsweetened almond milk, randomly) but generally stocked.
Meanwhile, the Key Food soundtrack was keeping the 80s fresh with "Hip to be Square" by Huey Lewis & News.
This is wonderful. I can't imagine how much hard work these employees are committing to each and every day during this crisis. They are rock stars much like everyone else on the frontline. Every store should limit the amount per customer for essentials. If all comply with such rules, the pandemonium could lower itself a bit. I hope every store in this community, city, and beyond applies these measures. Stay safe out there!
I grew up in Alphabet City and lived on 13th Street between A and First. My mother and I now live in midtown but all my shopping is done down there. I was at Key Food this morning and found everything I needed...as always!
EV Trader Joe's this morning was quite sane. Checkout line went back to the bread section but no nightclub style line to get in and most sections had inventory. Meat was quite low but produce, dairy, frozen all pretty good and normal looking. And plenty of beer.
East Village Organics was open and well stocked (albeit crowded) yesterday. They said they will remain open but that either Tuesday or Wednesday they will close for several hours in order to get a big delivery. best, jg
Appropriate "Hip To Be Square" was playing, the song playing when Christian Bale from "American Psycho" takes an ax to Jared Leto.
A metaphor for the times.
The staff at these stores are doing us all a great service, kudos!
New Yorkers Market (aka Met Foods) was very civilized this afternoon. No TP but plenty of milk and other staples.
At Target on 14th Street they have a self-checkout line with a guard stationed at the entrance to the line. He stands next to a cart full of paper products and other confiscated items. When he spots anyone trying to buy too many times he and a manager come over to the customer and make the customer give up the extra items. I saw two people in a row have to give back a 2-pack of paper towels and a 6-pack of toilet paper because Target is limiting purchases to 2 paper products per customer, yet you can by a 36 roll place of toilet paper or a case of 16 rolls of Brawny on Amazon no problem.
anyone know where I can get straight up rubbing alcohol?
I thanked every Keyfood worker I saw yesterday. Real heros all.
Anon 12:00 last time I was at key food they had plenty. It is kept on the southwest wall just past the self checkout lanes. Love key food!!!
So thankful for Key Food. Fully stocked on everything (except toilet paper which I got at the 99 cent store on First Ave). Keep up the good work Key Food and thanks to all the workers! You rock!
Bounty paper towels and Scott tp at Lime Tree Market on 1st Ave and 9th St. Don’t be greedy, take 2 only. Otherwise very well stocked,
Dear Staff at Key Food:
(Avenue A & E 4th St)
I live just 2 blocks away on Ave A.
I’m in your store 3,4 times a week and everyone is always very professional, kind and courteous.
But since the impact of Coronavirus and ALL supermarkets getting overrun and overwhelmed you guys rose to such a high level of professionalism, always being polite and courteous in spite of the non stop lines, questions and people’s unique needs.
Well... it blew me away and everyone else I’m sure.
And you didn’t raise one, single price! That’s true Integrity.
Keep up the great work!
We all appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.
Gratefully, Trigger
East Village, NYC
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