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Updated 3/27: This location, as well as the wine shop, reopened today.
The following information comes directly from the Trader Joe's website:
We would like to notify customers of the following locations that a Crew Member recently present in the store has either tested positive for COVID-19 or is receiving treatment for a suspected case. Out of an abundance of caution, we have temporarily closed the store for thorough cleaning and sanitization:
Trader Joe’s (Grocery Store) on 142 E 14th St & (Wine Store) on 138 E 14th St.
The Crew Member was last present in the store on March 22, 2020. We encourage customers who visited the store over the 14-day period ending on March 22, and have health-related concerns, to contact the New York State Department of Health Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hotline: (888) 364-3065.
Stores in Elkridge, Md., and Plainview, N.Y., were also closed.
Back to the TJ's message:
We are working closely with local health officials to take all necessary measures. We are connecting with all Crew Members at the respective locations, encouraging anyone who may have been in contact to follow CDC-recommended self-monitoring guidelines and to call their healthcare providers right away if they develop any symptoms. While the store is closed, Trader Joe’s will be paying all Crew Members for their scheduled shifts. As soon as the store has been fully cleaned and restocked, we plan to reopen.
As we continue to respond to this rapidly evolving situation, our focus remains on doing whatever is necessary to safeguard the health and safety of our Crew Members and customers and best support our communities.
The store is expected to be closed for several days, according to an internal email seen by BuzzFeed News.
H/T Gojira
Where ever will TJ shoppers wait on line at?
They don’t let their employees use gloves or mask smh
FYI , in an unrelated matter but from their website "Over the past few weeks we have heard from our senior customers about the need for assistance in the morning to get in and out of our stores quickly. We’ve listened, and effective Monday March 23rd we will implement the following:
Store hours will remain 9AM to 7PM. Every day between 9AM and 10AM, Crew Members will maintain an additional line outside the front door for our senior customers. This will ensure that those customers in need will have an expedited entrance to the store to help make their experience a more positive one."
Bull. Gloves are available in every store every day and masks are reserved for medical use.
On Facebook and Twitter there are also reports of Trader Joe crew members in Plainview and Hartsdale NY testing positive for Covid-19 and the store Captains at first refused to close the stores. The Plainview Trader Joe’s has since closed down for cleaning, but Hartsdale is apparently still open. Now hundreds if not thousands of customers may have been exposed.
What??? We always ive worked in 7 different stores and I’ve always wore gloves if I wanted to. Whomever said that they don’t let them wear gloves is a liar.
My wife who works at TJ at union is now required to get tested. We are having a hard time getting a location and appointment.
March 24, 2020 at 9:29 PM:
Mane try Dr Dave Ores https://www.drdaveores.org/
They do have gloves for employees who choose to wear them. Please be careful of what you say as to not spread false information.
I was at a one of the other TJ location in manhattan and the cashier had on gloves. I did not notice of that was everyone, but I am sure they are making it a priority now.
My friends who work at Trader Joe's are not allowed to wear face masks. They were only allowed to wear protective gloves as of last week. Many TJ's employees are considering calling out sick.
We should demand that Trader Joe's CEO Dan Bane, dbane@traderjoes.com, immediately issue protective masks and gloves to ALL TJ's employees during this pandemic. The stores should also install protective barriers between cashiers and customers.
You can also write to Trader Joe's:
Dan Bane, CEO
Trader Joe's
800 South Shamrock Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016-6346
If anyone finds a telephone number for Trader Joe's headquarters, please post it here.
Why are gloves such a thing? The virus can live on a glove the same way that it can live on a hand. It's all about washing hands often, keeping safe distances, and being careful when coughing/sneezing.
Here's my two cents. Parents ought to keep their kids at home instead of dragging them into grocery stores and pharmacies where the kids can either spread the virus around or pick it up.
Trader Joe’s in SoHo is also closed, which makes four closed Trader Joe’s in NY, one in NJ and one in MD. That’s six stores in total including the wine store on 14th Street. A seventh location with a reported case of an employee testing positive for coronavirus the Hartsdale, NY store, is for some reason still open. Via Supermarket News:
“Trader Joe’s said it has temporarily closed five stores because an employee at each location either tested positive for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) or is receiving treatment for a suspected case.
The closings announced Monday include Trader Joe’s stores at Union Square in Manhattan (grocery store on 142 E. 14th St. and wine store on 138 E. 14th St.); Plainview, N.Y. (425 S. Oyster Bay Rd.); and Elkridge, Md. (6610 Marie Curie Dr.). Additional store closings announced Tuesday include Millburn, N.J. (187 Millburn Ave.) and in New York's SoHo neighborhood (233 Spring St.)
“Out of an abundance of caution, we have temporarily closed the stores for thorough cleaning and sanitization,” Trader Joe’s said in a statement.
The affected workers were last present in the stores on March 21 in Plainview; March 22 in Union Square; March 23 in Elkridge; March 24 in Millburn; and March 17 in SoHo, according to Trader Joe’s. The company said customers who visited the stores during the two-week periods ending on those days should contact their local or state health departments if they “have health-related concerns.”
Seven Trader Joe’s with too many shoppers in crowded stores, and employees infected with coronavirus in each one. There’s a pattern here.
They should do a sick-out. This is the most self-defeating policy I can think of for a food store these days -- what did management think was going to happen!!!
Sooooo glad I switched to Fresh Thyme. When TJ cut the hours, they lost me. I shop after work. Went to nearby Fresh Thyme. Well-run stores, never long lines. Competition kills.
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