The folks at the 6th Street and Avenue B Community Garden are looking to find the owner of this cat, who volunteers say has been causing a few problems for Oreo, their resident feline 😿 ... more details in the tweet below from today...
Hi neighbors! This cat has been coming to our garden this week + starting fights with our very elderly garden cat, Oreo. If you know who this cat belongs to, please ask them to keep it inside, otherwise we will need to trap it. Thanks for helping us spread the word! pic.twitter.com/6WLz43TTEX
— 6B Garden (@6BGarden) April 13, 2020
omg we are at 3rd and 1st on the ground floor in back, and this cat torments my cats too!
Is it a Tom? Is it feral?
If either or both, please do catch it.
I hope someone can take this cat in. I hate when people let their cats run free, especially in the city. It's so dangerous for the cat, and it's bad for wildlife. Get that cat inside or to a shelter like Animal Haven that can find him a good home.
Cat walks out back by my apartment every day around 10am. Between 5th and 6th heading east to get a snack, I guess
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