[Outside the TJ's on 14th & A on Saturday]
Trader Joe's, which previously closed several outposts on the East Coast after staffers tested positive for COVID-19, will shut down several neighborhood locations for a day of cleaning.
Here's the schedule via the TJ's website:
• April 20 — 436 E. 14th St. at Avenue A
• April 24 — 142 E. 14th St. in Union Square AND 400 Grand St. in Essex Crossing
• April 27 — the wine shop at 138 E. 14th St. in Union Square
These are just one-day closures.
And here's the official TJ's message about all this:
At Trader Joe’s, there is nothing more important to us than the health and safety of our Crew Members and customers. We believe in being proactive and transparent in addressing issues, and we value information and clear communication. With this in mind, we have temporarily closed some stores related to coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, including for additional, precautionary cleaning and sanitization.
We have made sure all Crew Members at the respective locations have been informed and understand the steps to take to best safeguard their own health and the health of their community. For any unplanned store closure, Trader Joe’s pays all Crew Members for their scheduled shifts.
And Pinch shared this photo from Friday, when the line for the Union Square TJ's wrapped around Third Avenue ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Union Square Trader Joe's temporarily closed after employee is suspected of having COVID-19
I bought spoiled organic milk (half and half) on the one on 3rd and 14th after waiting in that long ass line in a cold day. I read their reviews and another yelper complained about spoiled half and half. Bottom. Line. I checked the dates on the rotted milk and it wasn't expired...
I did get sick from drinking this bull shit in my tea. I passed the one on 6th Ave and they were closed for cleaning last Friday at 3:00 pm. Trader Joe's I have no doubt that they are doing the best they can. But these cleansing need a shaman a priest a rabbi and Krishna, Muhammed, and Jesus himself before I ever buy your half and half again!
Weird, I buy their half and half and have never had an issue with any of it.
I gotta say, looking at those lines, it's the first time I'm glad to be of an age where, if not *officially* a senior citizen, I'm old enough to take advantage of the early Senior Hour. (But I will NEVER eat dinner at 4 PM!)
Maybe was one of the refrigerated items left out on a shelf
somewhere then put back.
Glad you didn't get seriously ill.
Did senior lineup last Thursday at Ave A.
It was too crowded. Too many of us got let in at one time.
I think I'll try Grand St next time.
@anonymous 9:15am Even if you never want to try their Half and Half again, go back to Trader Joe's at any time, after the pandemic even, tell them it was spoiled, even if you didn't save your receipt, and they will refund your money. These things happen, even in the best of times, but don't worry, Trader Joe's will make good on it.
Last Thursday at Columbus & 92. So what, I'm a senior, get over it. 😷💃. Your staff is the best! From entrance to exit! Thank you for coming to work. It's not easy. Peace be with you all.
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