A conversation is evolving through several notes on this sidewalk bridge on 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B. (Thanks to Katherine Rusch for sharing the photo!)
The first note is addressed "to whomever stole my bike from this location."
It reads:
You stole it from a nurse who's been working in a COVID ICU for the past 2.5 months. This was my only way of getting to work without contaminating other people. PLEASE return it if you have a heart.
P.S. I hope you disinfected it...
A second note offers to help fundraise for a new bike for the nurse.
A third note arrived from someone else who had his-her bike stolen here.
I'm working from home and it was my only way of exercising. I can't believe these people are stealing from people who need their things right now.
It makes me sad for humanity but then I think about people like you. You risk your life daily for others. This is the biggest service to humanity. Thank you.
This letter writer also offers to chip in for a bike for the ICU nurse.
Junkies still junkies
Perhaps the nurse can sign up for citibike's free annual membership for critical workers:
https: // www. citibikenyc. com / blog/ critical-workers-program
@ 9:22
that is fantastic! Love citibike even more now. My daily bike rides kept me sane during these crazy times. Great that they're offering free memberships for critical workers.
Can we find out how more? Want to help get her a new bike!
@ryan n. Let me know where to help.
Crooks don't take time off. Crooks don't always qualify for unemployment.
Becoming a little harder to use it at last couple of weeks. Ebikes are impossible to find, many stations are out of bikes at critical times, many bikes are getting broken at an increased rate. Tons of delivery people are using them as well, sometimes I see them just sitting on docked ebikes, "reserving" those for their next call. You gotta disinfect bikes before your rides!
We saw a man going through each and every dock in a fully stocked citi bike station on 1st Ave, pulling them hard, in hope of stealing one.
The only locks that work are the Kryptonite NYC locks. When a company names its locks after our city, you know why. Your bike is going to get stolen eventually.
I had a guy take an angle grinder to my NYC lock one late night and it was so loud people came out to see what was going on and he ran off. Saved my bike. He got about 1/3 of the way through it. It's impossible to clip off without a power tool.
Any other locks just don't work. Get a NYC lock.
Anyone have contact info for that person?
Would love to help get a new bike. Anybody has infos on how to get in touch with the nurse?
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