Reports are coming in about smashed windows along Avenue A between 12th Street and 14th Street... Christine Champagne took these photos, showing the damage at Au Za'atar, Baker's Pizza, Gomi and Planet Rose...

Witnesses say the damage was done by the "fake protestors" using the George Floyd rallies as cover for vandalism.
Jackflashnyc has photos of the damage at Caffe Bene at 13th Street...

... and Convive Wine and Spirits a few storefronts to the south, where looters took the register but not any alcohol...

@evgrieve raclette restaurant on 12th and liquor store on avenue A and 12th street 🤬🤬 pic.twitter.com/2fvAYf0XEz
— jeffrey blum (@jeffreyblum) June 1, 2020
Updated 8:15 a.m.
Riian Kant-McCormick reports that a window was broken at Empellón Al Pastor on Avenue A at St. Mark's Place...

More restaurant doors and windows were broken along St. Mark's Place, per Steven...

Vinny & O report that the front door at Desi Galli on Avenue B between 10th Street and 11th Street was smashed...

Really? Desi Galli? B&H? Bakers Pizza? This is how you know the violent protestors are not local. All these guys in black hoodies with hammers have a different agenda. Many of the looters came in from Brooklyn and other areas just to take advantage of the chaos, which is just what the agitators with the hammers wanted to happen. There were a ton of guys with hammers roaming around SoHo smashing windows last night, not looting, just smashing windows. Then a bunch of looters showed up and started fighting over the pricey goods stolen from the Chanel store, and someone got shot. The same thing is happening in other cities. So lets not get too distracted by the activities of the pre-planned chaos agents: these are some of the largest protests we have seen nationwide, and people are finally standing up to police violence.
It's a pretty scary trend frankly. Two totally different things happening at once: 1) police reforms protests and 2) people trying to start The Purge.
We're going to need cops' help with trend 2), so let's don't beat them up too much on trend 1).
Damage for the sake of damage. I fully support the cause but not mindless vandalism.
What a bummer. So many small businesses....so many immigrant owned businesses.
There's something rotten in Denmark.....During the day its peaceful protest but at night the rabble rousers come out. For why? To distract from the real message. To negate the real message?
Everyone should come out when the lights go down to keep an eye on the streets. Try breaking windows with 30 people watching.
Maybe they are just radicals who want to cause chaos. People like that exist right here in this city. No respect for others or their livelihoods- they are just losers.
End the protests. It's degenerated into needless violence which destroyes the message.
Hey, de Blasio, how about a curfew to stop this shit, and the national guard if there’s not enough police.
Here's hoping the cops figure this out and catch the thieves while treating the lawful protesters with respect. And remove the cops whose buttons are being pushed from twitter.
Most of the businesses in our neighborhood used to have metal gates. When they stopped putting them up I wondered when this was going to happen. Well, here we are. It's still NYC people! Metal gates!
Yeah there was something in the times anout anarchist groups The official, Deputy Commissioner John Miller, who oversees the New York Police Department’s counterterrorism and intelligence-gathering efforts, said the groups used encrypted messaging apps ahead of the protests to raise bail money and recruit medics in anticipation of violent interactions with the police.
The groups also developed supply routes to transport gasoline, rocks and bottles during the protests. A complex network of bicycle scouts were tasked with moving ahead of the demonstrators to let them know where small groups could break off to do damage out of sight of the police, he added.
I own a small business while my neighbors were attacked last night I wasn't but this day will have another night and it won't be long before every shop big or small will share the same fate. The protest which I am very much in favor of needs to end at sunset so the police can bring some security back to ours and other neighborhoods.
It's anarchists taking cover within the legit protests. But NYC administration and NYPD is losing the battle totally, it seems to me.
I'm just as "under curfew" b/c of these jackasses as I'd be if I lived in a declared war-zone.
The rioters near Union Square are white suburban kids. And they're going to turn all the peace-loving ultra liberals of the Village & E Village into armed vigilantes if the authorities don't do something
Re: John Miller's statement, it sounds like the NYPD's "intelligence gathering" efforts are falling far, far short.
Ironically if the bars were open a lot of this damage might have been mitigated.
Blasio's daughter was one of the arrested protesters who was blocking 12 St. and Broadway. Blasio says he's proud of his daughter.
How is Ray???
I do not blame the Mayor for any of this. Because no one better even ran for the office, we aren't allowed to complain about him. It is an impossible job being mayor of New York City. Plenty of factors and blame for every one of all people.
ABSOLUTE WORST MAYOR! He talks out of both sides of his mouth about Progressive Values and Law and Order while he and Charlane fill their pockets with Ca$h from Developers. Not much better than Satan Trump in my book.
If Miller said it, likely to be a very high degree of truth to it. There is no figure in law enforcement with as much experience and integrity.
Anarchy is peace, not violence and looting.
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