Book Swap Saturday enters its fourth week outside the Tompkins Square Library branch on 10th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B.
Per the organizers: "Let's share our used books to help us get through this pandemic together. Leave some and take others."
The free book swap is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. But get there early if you want the "naughty" ones...

And EVG Book Swap Correspondent Stacie Joy did check the bag — it was empty!
Love this idea.
"Book Swap Saturday",.. in trouble ?
This was posted on the Ea a t Village 'Nextdoor' two days ago !
Is there anyway to talk to NYPL about this Supervisor !??
Christopher Momenee • Alphabet City (E7-Loisaida)
Hey, when I dropped some books off this morning at around 11am, a library security guard informed me that his supervisor doesn't want the books out in front anymore, and that he (the supervisor) would be coming by later and have them tossed in the trash if they're still there.
Is there not an understanding between the library and the public (re the book swap) at least until all the libraries reopen? But first and foremost, hie thee to the TSQ Library to snap up those books! (Bummer that sacred objects can be so easily just thrown away.)
Hey everyone.
"Book Swap Saturday" is going really well.
But to in order to preserve it,
we need to find out the name of that NYPL Supervisor
who was throwing our books into the garbage last weekend !!
A photo of him would be good,..
a video of him 'in the act' would be better.
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