Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Tompkins Square Library is hosting this online discussion with Alan Kaufman

The Tompkins Square Library branch on 10th Street continues to offer compelling online programming.

This conversation is happening tomorrow night (Thursday, July 9) from 7-8 p.m.:

You're invited to join us as we host celebrated neighborhood author Alan Kaufman, who will be reading and discussing his work. Now a San Francisco resident, Alan was a long-time East Villager, and our neighborhood has had a major influence on his work. He will be discussing his works "Jew Boy," "The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry" and "The Berlin Woman."

You can register via this link.

Meanwhile, the NYPL has eight branches opening on Monday. Unfortunately, the East Village locations are not among those reopening on Monday. For now, the closest open branch will be Epiphany on 23rd Street and Second Avenue.

Photo of Alan Kauffman by Stacie Joy

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the next event. I ordered the Outlaw Guide to Poetry after listening to Friday's interview hosted by one of the charming TSL librarians.


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