Sunday, August 2, 2020

New signage and an expansion for Dual Specialty Store on 1st Avenue

Activity this morning at Dual Specialty Store, 91 First Ave. between Fifth Street and Sixth Street.

Workers are in the process of putting in new signage here... (and it is now going by Duals! Unless that s is a typo...)

And it appears that they are opening a Dual outpost — selling herbs and teas — in the empty space (formerly a spa) upstairs...

Will check back in on this later.

Dual, one of the more unique and essential shops around, carries a wide variety of bulk Indian spices, herbs, groceries and beer.

Learn more about the 32-year-old shop here.


Unknown said...

Dual was the first shop I visited after 6 weeks of quarantine. That was the right choice. The amazing array of goods, not to mention the scents, is a delight. This place helps make up for the loss of Pete’s Spice (which I continue to miss decades after it closed a few blocks north on First Avenue).

m2ndSt said...

we are so lucky to have this place in the neighborhood. for specialties of course but also basics, way cheaper than the grocery store for salt and olive oil!

BushwickGrillClub said...

So happy to see them surviving and expanding. I live in Bushwick but pre-pandemic this was my go-to spice store. Looking forward to a return visit as soon as I feel cool about the subway.

Choresh Wald said...

This is just perfect

Babs said...

Seconding all the love for Dual! Glad to see there's a possibility of expansion in these crazy times. Can't think of anything more appropriate than herbs & teas.

AlexB212 said...

Too bad the signage was installed without permits and an unlicensed installer

ed anger said...

Downstairs is Dual, upstairs is Duals? Not understand the “S” either.

Gojira said...

Thank God Dual survived, if it had gone under I would have curled into a fetal position and never moved again. New sign is hideous but really, who cares? And it could be installed by drunk gremlins for all I care, given what the alternative might have been. As long as they kept the old grimy one downstairs. Altho I still miss Milon and its crazy Christmas lights, to say nothing of the Herculean battles between its " maître d' " and that of Panna II, who would sometimes get into physical altercations trying to guide potential customers into their respective "across-the-stairs-upstairs" eateries.

Anonymous said...

Such an amazing array of ingredients! Always noted for its Indian products, Dual has expanded over the years to include ingredients for almost any ethnic cuisine imaginable. Always an adventure to walk through their door, I never know what new discovery awaits me! And kind and accommodating owners and staff...

Anonymous said...

Agreed with a few of the sentiments above - one of the best shops in the neighborhood. When they reopened, that was the sign that things were going to get better. I only wish other shops and businesses of this ilk could survive.