We finally have a look at the new retail-residential building coming to the long-vacant northeast corner of Avenue C and Sixth Street... the rendering recently arrived on the plywood here...

There has been development talk for this lot dating to 2003. A former gas station, this corner has been vacant since the the early 1980s.
According to
DOB records, the 6-floor building will include 11 residential units, a storefront and space for an unspecified community facility. The city approved the application in May 2019 and issued a partial work permit in late July. The rendering shows an aggressive fall 2021 completion date.
Meanwhile, the lot remains the same behind the plywood...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Wow, could that building be any uglier ?
Looks like a modern day, old west prison.
If they tried to build something that looked like that in Topanga, there would be riots in the streets and well-funded lawsuits. Here, we just silently accept the latest assault on our eyeballs from our real estate developer overlords and move on, since we know there is no other recourse.
anything is better than an empty lot
I remember buying bikes from a guy who use to man the lot. Ahh the good ol Loisaida!
It has elements of Deco, with its lines and rhythm, and Expressionism, being lighter on top. It also has decorative lights outside. The developers didn't have to add these.
This is also in scale.
Also, much needed commercial and community space, most or all on the street level, wrapping around the 6th Street side, increasing sidewalk life and eyes on the street, increasing safety on a desolate stretch.
Probably less vermin.
I don’t see what better people have in mind? 19th Century row houses with stoops and terra cotta decorations is all I can come up with. A community garden? Playground? A fountain? A theater for community arts? Where will that funding come from?
School? A gas station? A vacant lot with vermin? A low rise housing project that looks like a minimum security prison with no stores?
Looks like an upscale homeless shelter.
It also aligns with the roof line wit the facade color change on the third floor. It is has articulation that echos the tenement next door.
That lot is rat city.
Prison was also the first thing that popped into my mind
It could be worse. I'm curious about the community space. If I'm not mistaken, isn't there a church next door that owned this lot ? Is that the reason for community space ?
Why are there cheese graters below each window? "an unspecified community facility" Sounds like the developer got a nice tax break by giving a non-for profit a 10 years lease at a discount after that full market rate. The parting shot are those holiday inn lamps running up the facade.
To Jared 10:48, "much needed commercial space"?? Have you seen all the empty commercial spaces in the neighborhood??? Commercial vacancies are at the highest point in 100 years.
I live on 7th and C. I have walked past this eyesore for over a decade. It is time for change and something new. Lets try to embrace a new building.
It’s tacky and ugly, anyone with any taste could see that. All for a new nice building going in just not one that’s so boring and ugly it rips the soul out of ave C. You the builders son or something ?
They were probably given a higher floor area ratio (the ratio of total building floor area to lot size) in exchange for the community space.
Maybe the building will look better in person.
That’s hideous
The "cheese graters" are probably fences, or whatever the word is, enclosing 12 inch balconies that let light in while providing some privacy. This probably increases the rent price.
The cheese graters are a rendering placeholder awaiting a more imaginative barrier for the Juliet balconies?
Anything is better than the rats.
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