Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Concern for Muzzarella Pizza

Several readers have asked about Muzzarella Pizza on Avenue A between 13th Street and 14th Street. 

The pizzeria has not been open since the early days of the summer ... this after a brief reopening coming out of the PAUSE. There's nothing on the gate or the Muzzarella social media properties mentioning a closure — temporary or permanent. (The last Instagram post is from June 27.) The phone number sends callers to a voice mailbox that has not been set up...

Mozzarella, which serves a tasty meatball hero among other non-pizza items, opened in 1991.


  1. The likelihood of Muzzarella reopening in the coming winter months is very slim to none.

    Good meatball hero but its pizza isn't much to rave about like that of Baker's down the block.

    And the its old school, "working class" meatball hero contrasts greatly with that of the "artisanal class" found in Barnyard Cheese on Ave B. Both are good and tasty, but one screams "pretentiousness".

  2. I consider Muzzarella the best walk in buy by the slice pizza in the neighborhood (if not more). It's the perfect classic slice. I had so many happy memories of getting pizza here as a kid. I hope they are able to survive.

    This will be a loss. There are so few regular (non 99c and non $7 a slice) pizza spots left

    1. Both Baker's and Village Square provide great slices for about 4.50

    2. I won't be paying $4.50 a slice

  3. I'd been going there since they opened, and have resigned myself to the fact that they are gone, which is so heartbreaking. Yeah maybe they were not as upscale as Baker's, but they were a low-key, unpretentious, long-time neighborhood place for a decent slice, who opened here way before it was hip to do so. I still remember the sweet orange cat who lived there in the 1990s, it was always a joy to sit with a couple of pieces of pie and have him rubbing against my legs asking for some attention, or jumping into my lap to settle in for a nap. It certainly didn't help that that spew on the pizza landscape, Domino's, opened right around the corner from them on 14th Street, and that during construction work to the L train the workmen all went there instead of to Muzz's. Thanks for all the good food over the years; you will be missed, like so many other places.

  4. cat's name was Muzzarella I believe.

  5. Completely agree with Gojira, always hit the spot.

  6. Musszrellas large slices were 2.75.

  7. Baker's cheese slice (or regular slice for us native NYers) is $3.25, originally $3 just a few months ago.

  8. Hope they come back!! I like village square, however Bakers doesn't clean their ovens properly!!! They also put to much oil in their dough, thus resulting in dried burnt crust and burnt bits stuck to the bottom of slices.

  9. Never tried a slice from Village Square. The EV doesn't extend below 10th St and Ave B crosstown because I'm by Stuytown where Vinny Vincenz, Muzzarella and Baker's are the nearest options. Vinny Vincenz neither offers good pizza nor good non-pizza. So it's Baker's for pizza and Muzzarella for heros.

    1. Common, A & 9th is out of your reach for an excellent square?

  10. Did ownership change about a year ago? The place had a makeover and then a completely different staff appeared to be working there.

  11. @6:17 PM

    I'm a person who lives in Stuytown/Gramercy area and only find a portion of the EV as "my world" and E 9th by Tompkins Square Park and the any area below 3rd Ave in that intersection is another world for me.

    Welcome to Manhattan where each neighborhood or sub-hood is each to their own!

  12. Mozzarella was always owned by the Russo family, never sold. His sons were running it lately. You still saw Mr or Mrs Russo there on occasion. Back in the day, you always knew when Mrs Russo was there when you walked in, there was always Jazz playing. Wonderful family & good quality food. Unfortunately most people prefer crap

  13. I've been checking regularly to see if they've reopened. Been going there for over 20 yrs for good pizza and heros. I really really hope they reopen. Best Sicilian pie in the neighborhood along with that meat sauce slice. Bakers is good too but not the same thing. If they don't reopen I'm going to be all kinds of upset. 2020 SUCKS.

  14. In response to NYBassman I have been know to frequent bars in the area and, for years, Muzzarella has been an oasis for quick sustenance before going home or continuing the evening. I am also a cheap as they come but, their combo slices are a meal in themselves and worth every bit of $4.50.

  15. Hi all. Bad news; walked by on Saturday (on my way to target lol) and it’s gone. Or at least had a totally different name (which I forget — think it is still a pizza place tho). RIP Muzzarella


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