Friday, November 27, 2020

There won't be an official SantaCon this year

SantaCon, set to terrorize NYC again on Dec. 12, is officially off, organizers announced on their website this week.

In the usual tone-deaf humor that has been a hallmark of SantaCon through the years, the announcement (screengrab above) reads in part: "All of the reindeer got the 'rona, so the elves have advised Santa to hold off on the in-person merriment."

The announcement also reads "there is no official SantaCon in 2020," leaving open the potential for unofficial Santa pub crawls this holiday season.

In any event, SantaCon organizers offer alternatives to "spread merriment (not infection) this year." Suggestions include donating to Helping Hearts NYC and, more on brand, playing a drinking game to "light up your holiday spirit like Rudolph's suspiciously red nose."


noble neolani said...

Santa Con's Trumpian leaders are telling their followers to "stand by".

JAMES said...

Aww shit. I miss so miss the Loud, Obnoxious, Crazed and Drunk Losers that violate our sanctity and destroy the whole neighborhood for 'charity'...Yeah sure..

Anonymous said...

Every cloud...

Anonymous said...

Anyone who shows up in a Santa-con-ish outfit to go drinking that weekend should be arrested for deliberately being part of a superspreader Covid event.

Similarly, any Santa-fools showing up in NYC via bridges or tunnels or Penn Station should be forced by NYPD to turn back immediately. Get drunk & vomit on your very own streets and lawns in the burbs.

PS: You can be sure the so-called "organizers" only "called it off" b/c they were afraid of their own liability. In future, NYC should require them to get a permit and put up a $100,000 bond in advance.

Anonymous said...


Gojira said...

Do people honestly think the tools that dress up like "sexy" elves and Santas and reindeer and such are really going to miss out on a chance for an all-day drunk? Maybe it won't be as big as in past years, but my prediction is that on Dec. 12th the neighborhood will be full of them, with plenty of bars happy to cater to their thirst.

Giovanni said...

In other news, all future mass gatherings featuring clueless people wearing red hats are hereby cancelled.

Anonymous said...

NYC's SantaCon is actually an event for skeezy suburban kids (bridge and tunnel crowd) who are itching to leave their small "towns" for an unforgettable event that can't be replicated in their hometowns. It's different in the burbs and the countryside where santa imposters can't run around in a "mind boggling" array number of street blocks doing their unforgettable thing.

Anonymous said...

@12:17pm: How many bars do you think are willing to risk losing their SLA license over this, by having groups of fake Santas violating social distancing and/or capacity rules?

And I thought the bars can't serve you booze unless you ALSO order "substantial food"?

I personally hope we get heavy rain or a sleet storm that day.

LPIFLY said...

Don't worry Santacon Hoboken seems to still be on

Anonymous said...

You know if santa con was happening, all those out door dining areas would have been treated like bathroom stalls.