Thursday, January 14, 2021

Residents say dangerous safety conditions at Mariana Bracetti Plaza lead to illegal and hazardous activities

Text and photos by Stacie Joy

For months, residents of the Mariana Bracetti Plaza public housing development have experienced a wave of crimes taking place inside its hallways, staircases, courtyard, rooftop and playground, thanks to unlocked front doors and broken security system.

I am wondering what kind of activity I will see when I arrive here on Third Street and Avenue C on a sunny Thursday morning. Will there be people doing, buying and selling drugs, using the place as a toilet [NSFW], engaging in sex work, and fencing goods (via stolen Amazon packages from neighboring buildings) as resident and activist Kanielle Hernandez alleges? 

Yes, it turns out — all of those things. Plus, I witness two people attempting to break into an apartment, people using the hallways as an illegal business site, and a steady stream of open-air courtyard and front-step drug purchases…sometimes with a line of people waiting their turn.
According to Kanielle, who lives in the building with her son and her grandfather, plus her dog, Denim (you can read about Kanielle’s fight to keep Denim, a pit bull, in this New York Times piece from 2009) finding people passed out or doing drugs in the hallway has become an everyday occurrence. 
Residents say that the locks to the front doors have not worked in more than four months, and lack of security and police presence has made it easy for people to trespass. 
I speak to PSA 4 housing officers who arrive to get an early lunch at Rossy’s Bakery, right across the street from the buildings in question. What can be done, I ask them?
“Our hands are tied. If you want action, you have to start at the top with the mayor and commissioner. We are being told not to make any arrests,” Officer Leninard and his partner tell me.  
Kanielle, who was born and raised in the building, and former tenant Yvette Maria, whose mother still lives upstairs, show me around the buildings. Kanielle and I then discuss the indignities that the residents have been made to suffer, what she hopes can happen, and about the petition she is starting to effect change.

Speaking about the ongoing lack of repairs and the conditions you detailed, such as drug sales and use, homeless people living in the stairways, people using the building as a toilet, how long has this been happening?
I believe this started with the sidewalk bridges. Landlords put up these dark ugly scaffolds as a resolution instead of actual repairs. Then they stay up for years without any actual work being done. But someone is getting paid to have these sidewalk bridges just up with no real purpose. It creates dark hidden places for illegal activity. 

With the sidewalk bridges came more and more and more homeless, drug addicts and alcoholics. The money being spent to have these useless sidewalk bridges up should be used to actually improve the building conditions. 
Individuals started coming to our building to use it as a bathroom and get high. Then as they saw they could get away with more and more it just has become a free for all. You find them in your hallway trying to get high or steal packages or sleep. Feels like we are living in an episode of “The Walking Dead” NYC/LES season.
Have you talked to the building’s management (NYCHA) about the situation? 
The management office is absolutely no help. I call them and they tell me I need to call the police. I call the police they tell me to call my management office. The housing manager we have is the worst we have ever had. Absolutely no help to our building at all. 
Why did you decide to film the transgressions?
I decided to start recording and posting because I just can’t believe we have such occurrences right outside of our apartment doors. Our home. I walk into my elevator and someone is full-on smoking a cigarette or a blunt. And then get mad at me for being upset and saying something. 
I don’t care what you do but do it right. Be conscious of how your decisions impact others. Basic consideration and common sense. Like, for example, walking into a building you don’t live in to pee and then deciding to pee right in front of someone’s door. There are some levels of WTF! I need to get through before I can reach my compassion. Yes, I understand addiction is a disease but it’s time to find some real solutions with long-term positive results. Maybe whatever we accomplish here can be extended to other developments. And li’l by li’l we can make a positive change to our community.
Are you concerned about your safety?
Yes, I’m always concerned for not just my safety but also the safety of my family, friends and neighbors. Yes, I can just move and be done with the bullshit. But this is my home. I was born and raised in this building. 
As kids, we took the stairs freely. We ran around playing freely. And it was a time of heavy poverty and drugs and gangs. But there was a different energy back then. It’s hard to explain but I’m sure a lot of people will understand what I’m trying to say and resonate with it. 

Do you know where the people are coming from? Have you reported what’s been happening downstairs and at some problematic locations nearby, like Third Street and Avenue C, to the police? If so, have they responded? What happens or doesn’t happen?

The people are coming from all over really. Our building has become the headquarters for them. Some bring beach chairs and blankets to sleep in the staircase or roof. Mattresses, CitiBikes and shopping carts full of stuff. 
I have been calling 911 and 311 and reporting what’s going on for two years if not longer. They would come back then but as of recent world events there is a big lack of response. Because, to the rest of the world, junkies invading our building is the least of their problems. I get it. I think every building surrounding Third Street and Avenue C has called to complain about that corner. 
For months a bunch of homeless addicts lived under the scaffold on Avenue C. They had mattresses and little forts built. And then they would shoot up in broad daylight, with needles in the arms, while people, including kids, walked by. 
How does this make you feel that these kinds of things are happening in your building?
Depressed and discouraged. I don’t really go downstairs like I used to. I think about moving out all the time but my grandpa loves it here. He loves to walk around and go to the supermarket, but we have encountered some incidents where he felt frightened by different individuals approaching him for money.
You mentioned starting a newsletter and a petition for change. How has that been going?
The newsletter is still in the works but we have written up a petition and it’s available for signatures here
What would you like to see happen? How can the community, elected officials and NYCHA help?
In all honesty, I would like to see massive change on all levels but for now, I would like to have all the surrounding sidewalk bridges removed. The money being saved by removing the sidewalk bridges should be used to do something to improve the building. Like new elevators or security cameras. We could work with the local precinct to have more police patrol. And a police light on the corner. And a homeless program to redirect individuals to places that can help them. 
As for NYCHA, they need to be better involved in their buildings. Not just for tenants but the employees too. Housing workers should not have to clean up human shit and used condoms and drug needles. They definitely don’t get paid enough for that. If we set boundaries, we will see results. 
And as for the residents of the building who contribute to the demise of our home and community: Stop it! Stop smoking in the elevators or letting your guest do it. Don’t have your boyfriend selling drugs out of your apartment…tell them to go and deliver. It’s 2021, let’s get it together. 
If you don’t want people to notice you, be more discreet. That’s your hustle. No doubt. Do it right. Control your customers. Sloppy business brings attention. 
The tenants who do these things stick out. A lot of the residents have lived here for years. And it’s only seven floors. People see and people talk. We need to practice better judgment when it comes to how we choose to contribute to our home, our community. Are your choices impacting us in a good way or bad way? What can you do to be better tenants? 
Speak up for the building you live in that you call home. Do your part! Make sure you are contributing to the uprise of our building and community, not the downfall of it. And this should apply to all [public housing] developments. We all deserve to live in a safe and peaceful environment. Projects or no projects — it’s our home! 
You can sign the petition here and Kanielle is actively looking to partner with local elected offices to facilitate repairs and security for the building residents. 


Anonymous said...

Such a sad story. I can imagine such things happening at places I have lived in in the city. Nobody in the building wants to get to know one another because they are afraid of each other. They are afraid of the management company, once that happens, things can go downhill.

Anonymous said...

thorough and necessary reporting that no one else is doing. THANK YOU GRIEVE AND STACIE JOY.

Anonymous said...

The "management company" in this story is the NYC Housing Authority.

JAMES said...

I grew up in the Projects. Most of the residents are trying to live their lives in a decent way and then you get 10-20% who are destructive and dangerous. Compound that with the WORST Mayor ever in very trying times and you have a disaster.

Anonymous said...

NYCHA needs to get out of the public housing business. If American society genuinely cares about the disenfranchised, existing public housing units should be given to their tenants as ownership where they could feel a sense of pride as they generate wealth or capital from owning their apartments. But no, our system in place is design to enforce inequities and marginalization for the sake of dynamism and the people in power who feel a sense of superiority by creating more pet projects to "solve" these problems.

Anonymous said...

Should think about relocating the people from these public housing buildings they don’t bring any good to the neighborhood they live with no real family values I really feel sorry for the elderly and the innocent people that live in these conditions but as a whole they bring crime, vandalism, drunkenness, drugs, sexual immoral behavior and the list goes on there destroy this neighborhood they don’t bring anything good to the offering cup all they now how to do is destroy neighborhoods with these ungodly live Style and bring the good of the neighborhood down with it

yetanothercommenter said...

Hey Carlina Rivera. I understand that it's hard to go up against DeBlasio and his big real estate masters over the East River Park boondoggle but here is a fight you were elected for. You're from the Lower East Side. (You should know the score by now ...) Get these buildings cleaned up. You have that power. Do it, it's an election year.

JM said...

As the announcer used to say at the start of "The Lone Ranger," "Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear."

Hopefully it won't get that bad again.

noble neolani said...

Meanwhile city hall and his honor keep giving developers, tax breaks, routinely ignore zoning laws or change them against a neighborhood's will. De Blasio is waiting for these buildings which so many call home to simply collapse due his inaction so the most coveted piece of land in lower Manhattan with river views overlooking his planned "world class park", will be ripe for condo towers.

Anonymous said...

@ noble neolani

De Blasphemy's final days in office are numbered this year and we have a long roster of candidates running for city hall for the final showdown in November 2021.

There's the ex-presidential candidate Andrew Yang who's a native around the Hudson Valley where I'm based and he seems like the only non-establishment politico who could fix NYC's dysfunction created by our current mayor. Hopefully, whoever gets the seat will untie whatever De Blasphemy has done.

Mal said...

Hi Kenielle, I am a musician that lives a few blocks a way. After reading about Your strength to fight this battle with your family I felt such a sadness. I would like to offer drum lessons to Your son if you think that is something he would enjoy. I understand with the pandemic this could be difficult but with masks we can make it work or we wait till after the pandemic. You can respond here if its something you want to make happen and we can set up a place to meet. Wishing You and all those that are struggling to make you place livable well~ Peace, Mal

ak said...

This is excellent reporting, thank you EVG as always! How can we elevate this to other news outlets? Housing IS a crisis so let's add this to the bonfire for individuals and small businesses who need help (local and national)! Everyone deserves basic human rights for the residents (safety of home) AND the trespassers (other resources/support or repercussions)! I also noticed the petition is only addressed to the 'higher ups' (as mentioned in this article), but what about the community board? Also, I have much respect for Kanielle's tireless efforts. I hope she and her neighbors can bug the crap out of all levels of those WHO ARE MEANT SO DO THEIR JOBS.

Daniel said...

Great piece! Well done Stacie Joy. We need more reporting like this.

And, to the person who wrote this:

"Should think about relocating the people from these public housing buildings they don’t bring any good to the neighborhood they live with no real family values I really feel sorry for the elderly and the innocent people that live in these conditions but as a whole they bring crime, vandalism, drunkenness, drugs, sexual immoral behavior and the list goes on there destroy this neighborhood they don’t bring anything good to the offering cup all they now how to do is destroy neighborhoods with these ungodly live Style and bring the good of the neighborhood down with it"

Fuck you and your racist, classist, homophobic bullshit.

Anonymous said...

And, to the person who wrote this:

"Should think about relocating the people from these public housing buildings they don’t bring any good to the neighborhood they live with no real family values I really feel sorry for the elderly and the innocent people that live in these conditions but as a whole they bring crime, vandalism, drunkenness, drugs, sexual immoral behavior and the list goes on there destroy this neighborhood they don’t bring anything good to the offering cup all they now how to do is destroy neighborhoods with these ungodly live Style and bring the good of the neighborhood down with it"

Go back to Ohio you elitist assclown.

Most of the people who live in these building have grown up there and this, for some, has been their home for generations. Where do you expect them to relocate - the $5K a month 1 bdrm apt you live in?
They are a vital part of this community from both a cultural and economic standpoint and deserve to live in better safer conditions.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, she's a big fighter, that one.

Anonymous said...

NYPD unions would make him their hand puppet in no time.

Anonymous said...

"sexual immoral behavior" LOL. Shouldn't you instead move to Colorado Springs?

Anonymous said...

Makes me so happy when my "Go back to Ohio" is being put into a good use.

east village tours said...


Edmund Dunn said...

Ditto to 10.48 AM Daniel and 11.05 AM Anonymous.
Well said.

Anonymous said...

the problem is obvious. NYPD budget is twice that of NYCHA's, the largest public housing authority in the country by over 100k units. let that sink in.

we pay the NYPD 6b a year to kill and maim us and underfund everything else. disgusting. abolish and reinvest in our communities.

Sarah said...

"If American society genuinely cares about the disenfranchised, existing public housing units should be given to their tenants as ownership where they could feel a sense of pride as they generate wealth or capital from owning their apartments."

This was done in England and the results were catastrophic. Jesus.

The people in this building deserve baseline security and the homeless need better services. Both are necessary to solve this problem, but only one just requires some city employees to do some basic work!

Sarah said...

"the problem is obvious. NYPD budget is twice that of NYCHA's, the largest public housing authority in the country by over 100k units. let that sink in."

Also, well said.

Anonymous said...

@ Sarah

We have millions of social services to help the bottom rung in society and yet America continues to rage on with these incidents in public housing and society in general so they're not working out. Having better security and more draconian policing isn't going to foster warm relations with the racial minorities who are the majority occupants in these public housing units when they are already marginalized for living in them. The best thing for NYCHA is to privatize their residences where the tenants get a share of ownership in them.

Anonymous said...

I do not live here, but I pass by here often on my runs. The corner of 3rd and C is disgusting. This interview is heartbreaking. NYCHA - get off your asses and get your shit together!! This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

noble neolani said...

Beacon, ok, give the apartments to the people who live there, then what. Combined would they have the capital to repair the furnace, hot water heater, broken elevators? Even the most progressive societies have a percentage of very poor people, but they do a lot better job at not stigmatizing them, and leaving them some dignity than the US government has since the 1980's. It's true when a person or family is invested in a property it offers them hope, and a possible path to generational wealth however banks are systematically prevented certain low-income families from that possibility.

Anonymous said...

This is happening in all the developments in the area. There are great people in LES. But nothing is being done. Thank you for making it known.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Stacie. This needs to be publicized more.

Anonymous said...

All NYCHA complexes should be privatized and turned into cooperatives where tenants will have a ownership of the apartments. Repairs and replacements are performed under a private company and charges for these items and services are spread out like a loan to be repaid over the years by the tenants. Under the NYCHA bureaucracy there is plenty of corruption and governmental waste, where you hear stories of public employees working on repairs in a snail pace so they can collect overtime.

I believe few of the Campos Plaza complexes on Ave C and E 12th St have been converted into private hands not sure if the tenants have any ownership, but cameras have been installed and security guards have been hired to maintain safety if I remember from a year ago.

Unknown said...

Hello Mal,
Thank you, thats very kind of you. I would love to talk further. If you are on instagram please send me a message there. If not I'll find a way for us to connect. I'm also on LinkedIn 🙂

Gojira said...

If Andrew Yang isn't tough enough to ride out the pandemic in am upscale two-bedroom apartment, instead preferring to flee from the city he now wants to lead (during one of its worst crises in history) to his comfy country home, I hardly think he has to cojones to take on the NYCHA issue, among all the other ones awaiting our new Fearless Leader as of 1/1/22. Last thing NYC needs is a quitter.

noble neolani said...

Beacon, NY, or is it Maggie Thatcher???

You know these are not middle class income people living here right? These are some of our societies poorest families. Your ridiculous proposal to give them the apartments and they hire a "private" management company sounds like a scam to wrestle the apartments away in short time when surprise.... there is no money to pay that management company. Judge makes the takeover legal, buildings then sold to a developer the De Blasio town with 80 story high condo glass towers line the East River.

Anonymous said...

@ noble

Then what do you propose? More draconian policing of these housing projects consisting mostly of poor Black and Latino residents who are marginalized while surrounded by gentrification.

Anonymous said...

@ Gojira

Andrew Yang is still leading in the polls for NYC mayor. Perhaps your issue with him could be a sticking point or Achilles' heel but I don't it matters at the end because people want to see real change going forward.

Anonymous said...

This corner has been a horror show for years now. Get RID of all the scaffolding already! Will be singing your petition....thanks for fighting back!

Mal said...

Hi Kanielle, for the the Drum lessons you can Email me at

Gojira said...

@Beacon - January is a long way away. Remember all the polls saying Hillary Clinton would be our next president in 2106? I sure do.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gojira, Yang is a no-go for me as well for the same reasons.

Anonymous said...

I could understand how Andrew Yang's second residence in the Hudson Valley could hurt his chances for mayor. He lives in a town that isn't really diverse if he wants to run campaign on a diverse NYC for all.

My area in the City of Beacon is indeed an East Village by the countryside with a good mix of everyone while Andrew Yang's town isn't.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 🙌💪

Anonymous said...

Thank you🤙

Kanielle said...

Thank you everyone for your support. I really hope to bring real positive change to our community. As this is not a me issue but a community as a whole issue. That corner needs to be cleaned up asap. 1st goal is to get these scaffolds down. Do the work or remove the scaffolds.

And unfortunately I have to agree with a comment above about that 10/20% of tenants that really ruin it for the whole building. Old tenants and New tenants joining our building but with total disregard for the peace and structure we try to establish. At the end of the day it's just basic consideration for others.

chris flash said...

ANOTHER home run by the amazing Stacie Joy!!

The game here is what has been played with other city-owned projects "managed" by NYCHA: Make NYCHA dysfunctional and allow conditions to deteriorate to the point that real estate developers will be welcomed in to take over.

Through attrition, vacant apartments get fully-renovated and rented to 'market rate" tenants until the entire building ultimately gets wiped clean of poorer tenants.

As reported in the SHADOW, this has been happening at several city-owned housing projects already, including Campos Plaza on East 13th Street, where a consortium controlled by real estate vulture Donald Capoccia has been scooping up city-owned properties for decades, regardless of who occupies the city councilmember seat from the LES.

I would hate to see that happen with this building, but that appears to be the plan.


Someone shot and killed tonight on 3rd and C

Kanielle said...

Unfortunately a man was shot and killed on the corner of 3rd st and ave c last night. 6 shots were fired. Only one bullet hit the victim. More people could have been hurt last night. It happened at 8:40pm Monday night.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ev Grieve for bringing this story to light. Everything this BRAVE woman has said is true!

290 East 4th Street (Mariana Bracetti) has become a drug den. It is dangerous, filthy and NYCHA should be sued for the horrible living conditions the tenants are forced to endure. There are drug dealers in front of the building at this very moment. The cops have been called multiple times today, and NOT once have they even driven by. It is only 2:00 in the afternoon and already junkies are lining up outside to buy drugs. There is someone blaring music right now.

The building is called the Swamp. Housing is completely aware of what is happening. The scaffolding has been up for 5 years and no work has been done!! The locks are broken. There is urine and human feces in the stairwell. One of the elevators goes straight up to the 5th floor to the drug dealers apartments day in and day out.

Homeless people sleep on the floors, in the stairwells and in the lobby. Maintenance complains, housing ignores it. The tenants complain, housing ignores it. There are known felons roaming the building.

NYCHA and Bill De Blasio are USELESS!!!!

Unknown said...

Have you sent this to the your Borough president or put your petition on Twitter and tagged Ms. Brewer's office? - she's on Fbook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube - I'd be all over her with this story. Also have you pitched it to the news - TV or print? It's a timely story - good folks trying to live through a pandemic but they are afraid to leave their home - or what about a TV station that takes on a case and gets the attention of the local politicians?

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely deplorable! I've visited family in this complex and often seen people literally waiting in line to buy drugs in the lobby, as well as, people using the elevator as a urinal. It seems that it's only getting worse over the last two years. TWO YEARS and nothing was done! These deplorable conditions must be addressed by the NYPD, NYCHA, and Bill De Blasio. I'm sure that if it wasn't government housing, but some upscale yuppie building, it would have been dealt with immediately. The NYCHA and Mayor should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen on the LES.

Rebecca Larson said...

So horrible, especially during a pandemic where people are suppose to be isolating and can't even protect themselves from a deadly virus due to uninvited foot traffic going in and out of the building. How can you be expected to adhere to the rules being imposed by the government when your life and home safety are constantly being unstable? The city should do something asap so this area does not revert back to the negative culture experienced in the same era during the 70's and 80's.

Anonymous said...

No one should have to live in this conditions and pay rent? Where is the accountability? I am so glad this was brought to my attention. I am horrified at these living conditions. If you even can call it living. This is completely shameful. Where are our leaders at? Where is the landlord? Where are the police? Lives are in danger here and what will it take for them to get the much beyond desperate help they need!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is very sad to hear. Especially for the fact that residents are being told by the police to call the management company and vis versa. One of the worst things in the world is the feeling of hopelessness. There needs to be some accountability for people in charge as no human in the United States of America should have to live in a place where they do not feel safe.

Anonymous said...

I have been to the building to visit my friend and know there are decent people who have lived there for decades and should not have to still struggle with the terrible conditions. As commented these were the conditions in the 80s and now seem to be worse. Alphabet City has changed and yet the NYCHA buildings are not held to the same standards and should be! I have seen the drug deals, the piss in the elevator and have been told to not take the staircase because it’s too dangerous because you don’t know who is lurking behind the doors. Try calling Governor Cuomo’s office because they can possibly patch you through to someone other than the useless mayor whom at this point has let the whole city down. The conditions that you are suffering in the building are more concentrated and noticeable, but basically the city is going through the same thanks to the mayor doing nothing to clean it up . Very sad and good luck!

Amy said...

And we wonder why the city is bankrupt! This is a lawsuit (or worse) waiting to happen. NYCHA has to do something or they are liable. What are we waiting for - a young child to get hurt (or worse killed?). The safe and responsible cannot live at the mercy of those making conditions unsafe. NYC it's administration should put their money where there mouth is about leveling the playing field. If this were happening on the UES, UWS or Tribeca, a couple lawyers in the building, "boom" - fixed. Shame on everyone who can but is not fixing situation like now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for shining a light on this very serious situation. The article says this has been happening for several months but really it has been several years. My friend lives in this building and feels scared for her safety when she goes out and comes home, even in the middle of the day. I myself have been harassed by dealers in the lobby, witnessed blood in the elevator. I went to the nearby police station and filed a report but nothing happened. For the record there have been 2 SHOOTINGS in front of this building! The locks are ALWAYS BROKEN allowing anyone and everyone entry. When the locks are eventually repaired they are broken within hours, I believe by the drug dealers that are living in the building. Is it possible that the dealers are paying someone at NYCHA to keep the scaffolding in place? Things have gotten so much worse since it went up.
Something needs to be done. People should not fear for their safety, their lives even, when the are coming home or going out.

Anonymous said...

These living conditions are a true disgrace. They are a violation to these residents human rights and a disservice to the entire community. As a social worker I see numerous code of ethics that are being violated. We need to see justice for this community and assistance for those who are in need.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kanielle, I signed your petition and I donated. I am asking my friends to email and tweet Ev Grieve's story to the following people, maybe it will bring more light to this story.

1. Gale Brewer Borough President

2. Email story to

3. John Annese crime reporter for the New York Daily News

4. Rocco Parascandola 


5. Thomas Tracy

6. Wes Parnell

7. Graham Rayman

8. Grace Ashford reporter focusing on City Housing Policy

Anonymous said...

This is an important reality thank you for addressing it. My best friend grew up in the projects and I grew up on the LES. This is what happened in the 70's too, and it's even worse right now. Watch the movie American Gangster if you weren't alive to live it. My guess is someone in NYCHA and the police department is getting paid off to do nothing. Root out the rats. The affluent white residence, and all residence of the LES should got involved, write to your major, city counsel member, ask the major is on NPR every Friday morning, demand the city take responsibility. Many residents of the projects are too scared of retaliation by the drug dealer bosses to speak out, and it is the police's job to protect all residence of the LES, not just the white affluent ones. Let's face it, drug dealers will always be employed but they don't have the right to take over good hard working people's building. The harsh realities of unemployment in these covid times means more people turn to drugs, and drug dealing as a means of employment, but again it's not fair to the residence, at least in the 70's they used the abandoned buildings.

Mary Samson said...

This situation is beyond long overdue. I know people with deep ties to this building, their home since birth. I'm contacting news media today in NYC as well as here in CA for leads. We all thank you for your thorough reporting EV.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to this building and to these families is heartbreaking.
To think Caroline Rivera's office is on the block and she has done nothing speaks to the failed leadership of so many. Greg Russ, chairman of the New York City Housing, useless, along with De Blasio, NYCHA and the police.

Unknown said...

This is totally unacceptable, pure and simple. The NYCHA should be ashamed of themselves. This is America?? Seriously??

Anonymous said...

.... what stays in my head is the picture of the family with bright white walls & frames behind them. I applaud their ability to keep their home a haven from whats right outside their doors.
I don't know how they live this nightmare all the time but I do hope they're able to stay safe .....& prayers this situation isn't around much longer.

Anonymous said...

People who live in 251 east 3rd, please do not protect your criminals. You know who the drug dealers are. They are the ones who keep breaking the doors sp the junkies can get inside easily and do drugs and destroy the building. The NYPD can't be there 24/7, they took away their homeless outreach unit because of defending. They barely have enough cops to answer the 911 calls let alone the quality of life issues or 311 calls. If everyone comes together and keeps reporting these criminals maybe something can be done. Its horrible people have to live like this but if no one is helping fast enough we need to help ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I feel her pain. I live in the projects and I have seen this building deteriorate throughout the years. Most people that live in NYCHA area decent, hard-working people, but there are those few families that ruin it for others. They allow their adult children to use the hallway as a hang out for them and their friends and they smoke their blunts all day/night . The local drug dealers have taken up perm anent residence in our building and have access to our building 24/7. It's totally ridiculous that this allowed to go on for years and nothing has been resolved.

Anonymous said...

Re: NYPD - "They barely have enough cops to answer the 911 calls"

Funny, the NYPD is so short-staffed, yet have cops available to guard the Samuel Cox statue in Tompkins, and are able to mobilize 50 cops to respond to a single student sitting on the statue of Peter Cooper outside Cooper Union.

Don Lieber said...

EV Grieve:

Thank you for writing this front-line human rights story -- you deserve a Pulitzer, and that's NO exaggeration.

I live in this neighborhood and have friends who live in this housing complex. I visit them frequently -- EVERYTHING in this article is accurate, if not actually WORSE.

In 2021, in the richest city in the richest country in the world, the war-like, desperate conditions described in this article are simply inexcusable.

There's lots of blame to go around -- and for one, I say MR DeBlasio and his 'housing staff' -- this one example is ample evidence why you, without question, SHOULD NOT BE RE-ELECTED. I also call out Councilwoman Rivera, from whom we've heard NADA about this.

A rash judgement? Far from it -- this has been going on for YEARS here now, and only has gotten worse (Significantly so) since the pandemic. That scaffolding -- it's become a mini-CITY -- not for weeks, not for months... For YEARS now. You wouldn't feel YOUR children to be safe in these buildings, and we know you and your staff have received the communities complaints, for years. Nothing, nada -- completely ignored. You DO have cops frequently all over the corner(s) in question -- so why on earth do they do nothing. IF I wanted to buy drugs (name one) right now, literally I could walk over there and in broad daylight get whatever I wanted. But inside the buildings is even worse. I know tenants there who have to literally take turns mopping urine (and worse) from the hallways, on a weekly basis.

Weapons are branded. People are living in conditions more akin to war-torn Syria than what you'd call "the greatest city in the world"...a joke.


There is a growing outrage at the continued ignoring of this problem -- make no mistake; our city was at the forefront of calling out Trump; blasting the Nazi-like ICE raids etc., as we historically stand up against human rights abuses around the country, and around the world.

And RIGHT HERE IN NYC this - the housing BREAKDOWN in the heart of "alphabet city" is, at its core, a FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE situation.

DeBlasio (and Rivera): We won't let up. This is on YOU.
It's time for you to put your rhetoric about caring for the city to use.

Don Lieber,
East Village Resident

KANIELLE said...

Thank you for this🤙