Thursday, May 6, 2021

Sly Fox is open for REAL now

Back on April 16 we were today that Sly Fox was reopening at 140 Second Ave. between St. Mark's Place and Ninth Street — first time serving since March 2020. 

Unfortunately, a bicycling mishap involving the bartender pushed back that opening. 

However, now... the bar in the Ukrainian National Home is up and running nightly at 6 (as of May 1).
Go say hi to Andrej behind the bar...
Thanks to Steven for the photos!


  1. They've been there for decades, I remember them from the 1960s, whew! Best of luck staying sober!

    see my chapter 15 about local boys at Lys Mykyta Bar (Sly Fox)

  2. Why stay sober when you can drink yourself blind and then scream and whoo-whoo all night on the street & keep the neighborhood awake. "Hey, I'm DRUNK, whooooo!" Wow, I'm impressed.


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