Monday, June 7, 2021

Mocha Red promises a 'Tulum Meets Wynwood Experience' on 4th Avenue

Temp signage arrived last week for Mocha Red at 127 Fourth Ave. between 12th Street and 13th Street.

We're told that this is a new concept from the folks behind Mocha Burger

And the concept? A steakhouse and mixology bar that will provide "a Tulum Meets Wynwood Experience" ...
BarBacon was here for nearly two years before bowing out during the pandemic. 

H/T Upper West Sider!


  1. "A steakhouse and mixology bar "



  2. And the concept? A steakhouse and mixology bar that will provide "a Tulum Meets Wynwood Experience" ...


  3. Excuse my ignorance, but WTF is "Tulum Meets Wynwood Experience"????

    Sounds like something that should have stayed in Vegas.

  4. why are there not any steakhouses in the East village you got a ton of sushi, ramen, Mexican, coffee cafes I don’t understand why no American steakhouses anywhere in the East village

    1. There was an Ikinari Steak on 10th St. for a while, and Strip House on 12th near University Place isn’t far. It doesn’t seem surprising to me that most steakhouses are in midtown. Some of them have great food but this place looks like it’s focused on being a wanker-magnet.

  5. 2ndAveSilverPantherJune 7, 2021 at 7:18 PM

    @4:58 PM Buenos Aires 513 E. 6th Street. Not cheap, but damn good.


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