Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday's parting shots

For whatever reason(s) the gates were locked to the main lawn in Tompkins Square Park on this holiday Monday... which forced people to jump the fence... photos by Derek Berg...


  1. They're trying to regrow the grass, stop with your bunch for one minute.

  2. One would think that the parks department doesn’t WANT ANYONE on the lawn!!! And then people wonder why it looks like shit!!🤦‍♂️

  3. Traditionally, lawns in urban parks were for viewing and strolling.

    People seem to really want to live in the suburbs but live here at the same time.

  4. "For whatever reason"? How about they're not supposed to be on the g-dd-mn lawn in the first place?!?

  5. Well maybe on a holiday weekend when the most amount of people would be looking to hang out here, it might not be the exact best time to attempt to regrow grass?

  6. Madison Square Park has lots of signs that note which lawns are "resting" and shouldn't be walked on; this seems to work well to keep people off the most fragile grass.

    Unfortunately, I don't think this approach would work with the semi-literate (and willfully illiterate) Tompkins crowd!


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